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English Audio Request

767 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
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natural speed please.

The holiday was a last chance to rekindle their love.
There's always an element of sexual innuendo in our conversations.
The election campaign was marred by rumor and innuendo.
Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will be starting half an hour late.
We've had a few technical glitches, but I'm confident we'll be ready on time.
There are many different hitches, such as a barrel hitch, a boom hitch, a cow hitch and a pipe hitch.
My sweater started to singe when I leaned over a burning candle.
She burned his diaries to stop the information from becoming public.
I had a run-in with the boss yesterday.
You might have to make a speech when you accept the award.
She travelled widely in North America, lecturing on women's rights.
My dad gave me a lecture on the evils of alcohol last night.
We all have our little foibles.
The defence asked for more DNA tests, which the prosecution claimed was just a stalling tactic.
The team's main job is to treat trauma victims at the scene of a disaster and perform triage.
The hardest thing for me was having to start triaging and treating patients in a less than ideal environment.
The job consisted of triaging stacks of burglary incident reports.
The sheer number of claims has insurers triaging which policyholders get attention first.
He is credited with inventing the hand-cranked winch, a labour-saving device for hoisting sails.
Winches powered by electric motors launched the gliders into the air.
This old steam winch was used to pull things up on shore in days gone by.
These salary increases will affect only the highest echelons of local government.
Politicians are often hired by private equity for the connections and skills gained while working in the upper echelons of government.
After every flight, engineers thoroughly debrief the test pilot.
The company said that it had always acted in compliance with environmental laws.
The law imposes significant compliance costs on US businesses and is a deterrent to price competition.
He pointed to the building's lack of compliance with building standards for the disabled.
As a police officer you are expected to uphold the law whether you agree with it or not.
We will endeavour to uphold the high educational standards which have become associated with this institution.
The decision by the court upholds the right of rural Alaskans to subsistence hunt and fish on most waters in Alaska.
We'd expected a few glitches, but everything's gone remarkably smoothly.
We've had a few technical glitches, but I'm confident we'll be ready on time.
I could hear the washing machine whirring in the kitchen.
I don't relish telling her that her son has been arrested.
She's relishing the prospect of studying in Bologna for six months.
I have no relish for hunting and killing animals.
Car sales have slumped dramatically over the past year.
She slumped into the chair, exhausted.
She saw a girl shooting up in the toilets.
Kerry shot up, growing something like six inches in six months.
Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
Negotiations between the two countries are on the brink of collapse.
What we are seeing now is a country teetering on the brink of civil war.
She claimed that the government had only changed the law in order to appease their critics.
They questioned whether, in his desire to appease the conservatives in his own party, the president was selling out to them.
Jean will look after Harry, I'm quite sure - she's a pushover for babies.
Krista gets whatever she wants – her parents are real pushovers.
I've never opened up to anyone like I do to you.
"Open up!" Sam shouted, banging on the door.
I've told her she should stay at home and rest but she's adamant that she's coming.
he mayor adamantly refused to consider a tax increase.
The reporter paused to wipe the spittle off his microphone.
He wiped some spittle from his mouth.
"Hey," he hissed, spittle flying from his lips.
She hadn't called for a week and I was getting miffed.
I was miffed because she didn’t call all week.
The idea was first mooted as long ago as the 1840s.
It's a moot point whether building more roads reduces traffic congestion.
The court's decision became moot when the defendant was found dead.
Whether or not to make the school coeducational is still a moot point, and we’ll be discussing it over the next few months.
He took me out to a really plush restaurant.
two metres of dark red plush.



May 30, 2021

There are a few words here I have never said before in my life!!!


I am sorry but you will have to check up with Forvo or a similar site for the correct pronunciation.

June 19, 2021

Thanks so much to you! Sorry to answer too late, but I've been busy on last days. I rely on your audio, so I don`t need to corroborate on forvo.


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