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English Audio Request

477 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed. As you were talking with a friend.

Here are 10 ways to look shredded for your best swimsuit body!
The skirt fits tightly over the hips and flares just below the knees.
There's an increasing market for the cheaper cuts of beef such as skirt.
Ever since the day they were married, her husband was off chasing every bit of skirt he could see.
The government has been accused of skirting round the issue of torture.
What time are you heading off?
The film meanders along with no particular story line.
The TV series continues its haphazard meander around the globe - this week in Portugal.
Hikers can meander along the path next to the river for several miles.
The children were tired and whiny.
As well as putting up his own cash, he persuaded others to pony up.
You could be asked to pony up hundreds of dollars for a replacement.
She wrung out the shirt and hung it out to dry.
More political shenanigans were exposed in the newspapers today.
He was gutted when she finished the relationship.
The book's a little scuffed along the spine, but it was the only copy left on the shelf.
Most claims are for scuffed tires, paint scratches and other minor cosmetic damage.
She wears sweatpants, thin white socks and scuffed red shoes.
I feel lousy - I'm going home.
All he offered me was a lousy 20 bucks!
The internet is lousy with this kind of stuff.
We spent the weekend grouting the bathroom.
We had to take the front door off its hinges to get our new sofa into the house.
Both Democrats and Republicans are getting their dander up over this issue.
It's bad when phones garble conversations.
The discovery rules out a link between the suspect and the scene of crime.
We would not rule out the possibility of re-entering the B2C market if conditions change.
Unanimous consent simply means the bill passes without all the usual Senate procedural folderol.
There is an unbelievable amount of merchandise out there with her face or name on it. T-shirts, stickers, dolls, and all sorts of folderol.
I don't believe he is given to folderol and overly ceremonial celebrations.
Haggling between the company and investors over valuations will continue until the price is announced.
Some of the member states find themselves involved in endless haggling about their voting rights within the EU.
the plaintive sound of the bagpipes
"What about me?" came a plaintive voice.
The accident forged a close bond between the two families.
Just 100 metres from the finishing line Jackson forged ahead.
Their conversations were taken down in shorthand by a secretary.
Today's secretaries are just as likely to tell their boss how to use a laptop as to take a letter in shorthand.
We had frosted glass put in the bathroom window.
According to local lore, the water has healing properties.



Dec. 13, 2020

Sorry if mine are too fast or slurred

Dec. 14, 2020

It's ok! Thank you😀