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English Audio Request

1316 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Please natural speed, as you were talking with a pal. Just enjoy it.

The salesman was a little too pushy, and we felt uncomfortable.
That sounds like another of his harebrained schemes!
She spoke in her soft, lilting brogue.
The door jingled and an elderly female customer waddled in.
Choosing a key from a ring which hung round his fat waist, the guard waddled past a number of cells.
Towards the end of her pregnancy, she developed a waddle.
Critics say the company is trying to drive out competition and charge high royalties.
With the relentless march of the supermarkets, a lot of small retailers may be driven out of business.
Plants in their growth stage exhibit an increased uptake of nutrients.
There is a 90 percent uptake of vaccination in this country.
Uptake of places on the training course has been disappointing.They never put down other companies in their commercials.
Did you have to put me down in front of everybody?
She quickly settled down in her new house/job/school.
Eventually I'd like to settle down and have a family, but not yet.
At the age of 70, he married a much younger woman and went on to sire two more children.
The large bay colt was sired by Pleasant Colony.
OK, everybody, settle down.
Lindi has achieved her comfortable life only after years of hard toil.
Well, after a day's toil in the office I like to relax a little.
Farm workers have been toiling in the 100-degree heat over the past week.
After toiling away at work all week, it's good to relax.
For an initial outlay of $2,000 to buy the equipment, you can earn up to $500 a month if the product sells well.
This technology will require an initial outlay, but it will produce long-term savings.
The airline was racking up losses of $1.5 million a day.
Miller racked up 28 points in the first half, and kept racking them up in the second.
By the late 70s the band's popularity was beginning to wane.
There are signs that support for the group is on the wane.
Traditional employer-funded pensions are on the wane.
Our new improved moisturizer has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin.
And to satisfy your sweet tooth, this café has desserts galore.
Down South you get biscuits and gravy and fried foods galore.
He's a loathsome man.
My father told me to never pick up a hitchhiker.
He's never picked up any hitchhikers in the time he's been a trucker.
I ended up driving some hitchhikers to Manchester.
We saw a hitchhiker trying to thumb a lift at the motorway junction.
Suddenly we heard a screech of brakes and saw the car swerve to miss the bicycle.
Don't forgot to put the brake on.
The brakes failed and the car crashed into a tree.
He would drive very fast and brake sharply at the last minute.
The result is a mixed bag of campy humour and special effects.
The movie is a mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed fantasy, and high-tech special effects.
On the highway we passed dozens of billboards showing his smiling face.
To advertise a local film festival, the city has put billboards of classic movies, like "Gone With the Wind," on buildings throughout the city.
It was one of his so-called friends who supplied him with the drugs that killed him.
t's fairly shocking when a so-called developed country can't even provide homes for all its citizens.
My so-called friend has stolen my girlfriend.
This so-called charity has robbed thousands of poor people of their money.
And this is one of the so-called privileges of working for this company.
This so-called therapy has effectively ruined my life.
hey're considering scrapping the tax and raising the money in other ways.
Do you have a scrap of paper I could write on?
I've read every scrap of information I can find on the subject.
Over 60% of all Georgians want to keep the present flag and only 29% want to scrap it.
The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups.
She went to strange lands to cull recipes for her book.
The programme of redundancies was intended to cull 1000 jobs.
Tons of internationally donated food was distributed to the starving peasants.
Most of the produce sold in the market is grown by peasant farmers.
Peasant women with scarves around their heads were working in the fields.
She wondered how it would be to touch him and recoiled at the thought.
He leaned forward to kiss her and she recoiled in horror.
I recoiled from the smell and the filth.
Sun-worshipers might recoil in horror at the chilling winds and rough seas, but we loved the place.
She was a lifelong member of the Labour party.
He’s had a lifelong interest in science.
The coach has already chewed out two of his swimmers for arriving late to practice.
Stand up straight, tuck your tummy in and tuck your bottom under.
Tuck your gloves in your pocket so that you don't lose them.
Scoot over and make room for your sister.
When I mildly rebuked your cousin for falling asleep, she acted like she had done the most horrible thing.
Don't be browbeaten into working more hours than you want.
He objected that McDonald was browbeating the witness.
They're very chummy with their neighbours.
At the frontier, there were people pestering tourists for cigarettes, food, or alcohol.
Rather than revise the ruse of cooperation that he devised to protect his political domain, he blamed corrupted evidence.
You resemble your mother very closely.
Companies are having recruitment difficulties as they battle it out for a dwindling number of skilled staff.
If only we could tap into all that energy and creativity.
They allowed retired and elderly couples or single people to vacate cottages needed for working families, without obliging them to leave the village altogether.
My brother's voting for me by proxy in the club elections.
Can I nominate someone as a proxy to sign for me?
If this charge were true, the discovery would have remained public, but would have been re-attributed to the person from whom it was pilfered.
They hoped to dig up some dope on her that might be damaging, but they never did.
Where on earth have you been? We've been frantic with worry.
Share prices have soared to a new all-time high in a day of frantic trading on the stock market.
I was never a down-and-out, but it did start to look that way.
Down-and-outs warmed themselves at bonfires on the lorry park.
I tried to slink out of the room so that nobody would see me go.
I was so embarrassed that I tried to slink away.
Variegated ivy is a popular choice for covering fences.
He attended several of the fringe meetings at the conference.
She's so stuck up, she won't even talk to us.
We're having plain blue walls in the dining room.
I want a plain black jumper with no fancy trimmings.
t's quite plain that they don't want to speak to us.
If she'd been a plain Jane, she wouldn't have had all the attention.
I mean, taking the wrong equipment with you - that's just plain stupid.
A number of paintings by Western artists show Indian settlements in the plains.
We moored the boat to a large tree root.
He levered open the engine compartment and released a great cloud of blue smoke.
He levered himself out of his chair with the usual difficulty and opened his arms wide.
They accused the companies of using political pressure to lever out competition.
If your mortgage offer is less than you wanted, it may be a useful lever for getting the price of the house down.
Modern houses have replaced the one-room mud huts with grass roofs that had been home to generations of peasants.
Your shoe laces are undone.
A coffee laced with brandy.




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