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English Audio Request

491 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

This conversation should be played by 2 different people, ideally by a girl and a boy (if possible), so the voices are clearly distinct. The characters are named Nelson (supposedly American, from Los Angeles) and Amelia (from Liverpool, England)
Not too fast, as the conversations are dedicated to be listened by young Year 8 learners.
Thanks for everything!

-Hi Nelson! Can you help me with my homework assignment?
-Sure! What is it?
-I'd like to ask you some questions about food in America. Is that OK?
-Yeah, go ahead! What do you want to know?
-Well, I'd like to know about American food habits. First, what do you have for breakfast and what time do you have it?
-Oh, I see. On schooldays, I usually have cereal with milk and some strawberries, because it's quick. I have it quite early, usually at half past seven. But at the weekend, I sometimes have pancakes with eggs and bacon.
-Nice! In the UK, we usually have cereal with milk as well and sometimes at the weekend mostly, we have a traditional cooked breakfast, with ham, sausages, eggs, baked beans and toast.
-Mmmm, yummy yummy! I love eggs and sausages.
-It's great but not very healthy.
-Yeah but still delicious.
-Ok, now what about your lunch?
-Well at school, I have lunch at 11 o'clock and I often take mine with me, because there is no cafeteria. But my dad makes fantastic packed lunches . My favorite is chicken wraps with spinach and fresh avocado of course.
-Wow, that sounds healthy!
-And my dad never forgets to put in some fruit, like a pear or some grapes. What about you?
-We have lunch a little bit later than you, at 12 o'clock. We have a canteen at school but I also prefer to bring a packed lunch from home, often a cheese and ham sandwich, crisps and an apple.
-Crisps are ... chips, aren't they?
-Yes, in England, we call them crisps. I love the cheese and onion flavored ones. And by the way, do you have a snack?
-Mmmm, I often have a snack in the afternoon, at around half past three. When I'm at home, I usually have a peanut butter sandwich. Do you like peanut butter?
-I do, but it isn't so popular in the UK, so I hardly ever have it but I sometimes have a bar of chocolate before the end of school, at around half past two.
-Chocolate is good too. Do you need more info?
-Yeah, we're almost done. So can you tell me about your dinner?
-Sure, I have dinner at around 7 o'clock in the evening. My parents usually make something like pasta or burgers with lettuce, tomatoes and French fries. Sometimes, we have a take away. My favorite is spicy tex mex food, which is very popular here in L.A.
-Tasty! I also love spicy food. Sometimes, we go out for dinner at a curry house. Curry is very popular in the UK. But at home, my favorite meal is roast chicken with mashed potatoes and peas.
-Tasty! We should share some videos with some specialties from our country.
-Yes, that would be fun! Thank you for helping me with my presentation.
-No problem, Amelia! See you later!
-See you Nelson, bye!




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