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English Audio Request

262 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Note to recorder:

This text is for a short test. Please, do not speak too fast.
It would be great if you could record with 2 distinct voices as these are short conversations between teachers and pupils.
I need a 3-second pause between each dialogue, please.
Thanks a lot

Activity 1: Listen to these conversations between a teacher and a pupil.

- Oliver, you're late! What's your excuse today?
- I'm sorry. I overslept this morning and then I missed my bus.
- Oh really! Go and get a late slip. Hurry!

- What's wrong Tracy?
- I don't feel well. I've got a headache and a bad sore throat. Please, can I go to the nurse?
- All right.

- Oh, Brenda, you're back. You were away last week. What happened?
- I had a bad car accident and I broke my leg.
- I'm sorry to hear that. Have you got your absence note?
- Here it is.

- Good morning Harry. Where were you yesterday?
- Sorry for my absence. I had an appointment at the dentist's because I had a toothache. It hurt so much!
- Are you feeling better today?
- Yes, thank you Sir.

Activity 2: Listen to each student and write in French what you would do to help , just like in the example.

Example: I can't hear you. Could you speak up please?

Pupil 1: Excuse me, I can't see the board. Could you step aside please?
Pupil 2: Oh no! I've lost my rubber. Can you lend me yours please?
Pupil 3: I can't see anything. Could you switch on the lights please?
Pupil 4: I've left my pencil box at home. Can anybody lend me a pen, please?
Pupil 5: I don't know that word. What does it mean?
Pupil 6: I'm hot. Could you pull down the blinds please?




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