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English Audio Request

202 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

If possible, English or Irish accent
Please read the text at natural speed, but not too fast as it is for young Year 9 French learners.
You can make short pauses between each paragraph.

Listen to the description of Sherlock Holmes and take notes.

Here in the name Sherlock Holmes: a peculiar cap, a long tweed coat, a pipe, a magnifying glass... Logic and investigating coming to one's mind.

Holmes is tall, very athletic and he moves fast like a hunter folliwing the prey. His grey eyes and fine nose are features which give his face a determined expression.

The great detective is incredibly eccentric, energetic and passionate, in the days when he practises his profession. He concentrates strongly, makes hypotheses and feels mentally balanced.

Even though he is extremely intelligent, he is also arrogant and he likes to impress Scotland Yard's inspectors, who envy him a little.

Danger is his profession. He trains himself to be a boxer and a runner, even if he is not a violent man.

Holmes is usually solitary and he has only one friend, Dr Watson, whose loyalty has no limit. He is always there to help Holmes solve a case.

Holmes has a messy studio in Baker street, where he conducts scientific experiments to solve mysteries. Since he is one of the first fictional detectives who used science to find criminals, his detection method is well-known to the readers.


  • Sherlock Holmes ( recorded by emchocolat ), Standard southern English accent

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    Corrected Text

    Listen to the description of Sherlock Holmes and take notes.

    Here in the name Sherlock Holmes: a peculiar cap, a long tweed coat, a pipe, a magnifying glass... Logic and investigating come to one's mind.

    Holmes is tall, very athletic and he moves fast like a hunter following his prey. His grey eyes and fine nose are features which give his face a determined expression.

    The great detective is incredibly eccentric, energetic and passionate, in the days when he practises his profession. He concentrates strongly, makes hypotheses and feels mentally balanced.

    Even though he is extremely intelligent, he is also arrogant and he likes to impress Scotland Yard's inspectors, who envy him a little.

    Danger is his profession. He trains himself to be a boxer and a runner, even if he is not a violent man.

    Holmes is usually solitary and he has only one friend, Dr Watson, whose loyalty has no limit. He is always there to help Holmes solve a case.

    Holmes has a messy studio in Baker street, where he conducts scientific experiments to solve mysteries. Since he is one of the first fictional detectives who used science to find criminals, his detection method is well-known to the readers.



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