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English Audio Request

233 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

These days most of the academic institutions are offering online courses to the student so they can enroll with it from anywhere. As far as I am concerned this is a positive development due to its feasibility and flexibility courses.
To begin with, online courses are easily accessible to everyone and people just need a good internet to operate it. This enable a person to attain the desired course without flying to abroad and enrolled in the course from their home country such as Canadian diploma course to physiotherapy professionals in India. In this case, the individual can avoid huge expenses on air ticket and visa processes need to obtain the course, and he or she can save money.
Next, there is no fixed timing on online courses unlike the schools and colleges, the student could open the website at their convenience. Thus it makes easier for those people who has to work for their living and study simultaneously. Also, there is no chances of missing out the lessons as those are stored in the sites in details. For example, health practitioners has to do lots of online certification course to upgrade their knowledge and skills, and move ahead in their professions.
In conclusion, online courses are growing in demand these days because it is feasible and flexible, where people can enroll to the courses from anywhere and study at their own pace.


  • Essay correction ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    These days most academic institutions are offering online courses to the student so they can enroll in them from anywhere. As far as I am concerned, this is a positive development due to its feasibility and the flexibility of the courses.
    To begin with, online courses are easily accessible to everyone and people just need a good internet connection. This enables a person to complete the desired course, such as taking a Canadian diploma course for physiotherapy professionals in India, without flying abroad and enrolling in the course from their home country. In this case, the individual can avoid the huge expenses in air ticket and visa processes needed to take the course, and he or she can save money.
    Next, there is no fixed timing on online courses unlike at schools and colleges; the student could open the website at their convenience. Thus it makes it easier for those people who have to work for their living and study simultaneously. Also, there is no chances of missing out on the lessons as those details are stored on the sites. For example, health practitioners have to do lots of online certification courses to upgrade their knowledge and skills, and move ahead in their professions.
    In conclusion, online courses are growing in demand these days because it is feasible and flexible, where people can enroll in the courses from anywhere and study at their own pace.


Feb. 7, 2021

I reordered some of the sentence elements to align with English grammar patterns.

In some spots, I substituted one word for a different one, not because your choice was ‘wrong’, but because it was atypical. [Ex. take/complete a course, not ‘obtain’]


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