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English Audio Request

211 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
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Please help me with the grammar, coherence and lexical part of essays.

Nowadays, people are more interested in high risk recreational activity and mountaineering. This is because, people are becoming more adventure and popular for their adventurous activities. This new trend boost up the level of confidence and physical wellbeing in person.

The new era of people are more explorers and risk takers. They genuinely opt to do things that are more dangerous and risky because of their keen nature on learning new things. Additionally, they love to take chances and challenges, which makes them famous. For example, youtubers often uploads their videos and get millions of followers where they can earn money as well as become celebrity.

However, one cannot deny that any daring activities increase the self esteem and physical endurance. These are attained by doing what is not believe to be achieved and the routine exercises performed by them. Also, being a physically and mentally fit makes the person healthy and wealthy. For example, to climb the mountain one has to be trained for years in order to build their physical fitness.

In conclusion, people often undertake high risk sports such as hang- gliding and mountain climbing to explore new things as well as to become popular. This new phase of sports are enabling the individual to become more healthy.



Aug. 30, 2020

I could have helped you more if I were able to make changes by editing the the text. :)

Sept. 1, 2020

Thanks for your comment, and is this possible for you to give a short brief in comment about any mistakes in the essay.

Sept. 2, 2020

Here you go:
recreational activities such as mountaineering.
boosts up
become a celebrity
activities increases self esteem
In conclusion, people often undertake high risk sports such as mountain climbing to explore new things as well as to become famous and become healthier.
(You can't just suddenly talk about hang gliding when you've been talking about mountain climbing)
Hope this helps.


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