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English Audio Request

234 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed, please. thank you!

What will life look like in 2050? We asked our readers on to give their vision of the future. Have a look at the answers!

1. Holographic Feedback TV, by Mark (27, California)
Simple holograms already exist today, and “virtual reality” games are already popular. But with “holographic feedback TV”, we will be able to smell and touch the things that we see on TV. Watching programs will become interactive and immersive.

2. Robotics, by Jamila (18, India)
A lot of factories already use robots, because they never get sick, they can work 24 hours a day, and they don’t go on strike. By 2050, robots will be able to drive, cook or clean. They will help (or replace?) humans in many places: factories, schools, hospitals, shops, offices, and homes..

3. Entertainment, by Grace (22, Sydney)
Activities and hobbies will become simulated. With the creation of high-performance “virtual reality headsets”, people will simply connect online and they will be able to join “digital” birthday parties, concerts, or family dinners! It will be easier to stay in touch with your family and friends who live around the world.

4. Water, by Adam (30, South Africa)
Demands for water will increase 10 times between now and 2050. Some scientists predict that water will cause wars if we don’t act now. Millions of people will be forced to leave their home-country if they want to survive.



Jan. 23, 2022

Thanks very much, your voice , flow and accent sound perfect for my pupils!

Jan. 23, 2022

If ever you want to earn more credits, feel free to have a look at my other texts; they are usually short. Some of them have already been recorded once, but the recording is not always exactly what I expect for my pupils in terms of accent or flow.