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English Audio Request

146 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Read quite slowly please. Thank you!

He is very clever but he is extremely grumpy. He is fat, not strong, and he has a long nose. He can invent gadgets. What's his name?

He is not sporty at all, but he is very grumpy and lazy. He is too fat, he has big eyes. he always eats or sleeps. What's his name?

He is very friendly and generous, but he is also quite stupid. He lives in the ocean. He has big blue eyes, a long nose, and a square face. What's his name?

He is very fat but very strong. He is sporty and extremely brave. He is also very friendly. He can fight, and cook. He is black and white. What's his name?

He has got red hair and a green hat. He can fly. He is brave, funny and intelligent. He lives in an imaginary world. What's his name?




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