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English Audio Request

145 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

If you feel like it, please read the poem "slam-style"; I'm working on an anti-bullying campaign with my 13 year-old pupils. I would like to add some music to the audio you'll record for me. The project is for them to write their own slam-poem. Thanks a lot!

I hate the way

I hate the way you kick and punch
I hate the way you steal my lunch

I hate the way you always stare
I hate the way you always swear

I hate the way you think you’re strong
I hate the way you think I’m wrong

Telling me I am weak
Doesn’t make you stronger
Telling me I’m ugly
Doesn’t make you prettier.

I am here to tell you
I won't let your words hurt.
‘Cause whenever I fall,
Then, I rise from the dirt.

So unless you have something
Positive to say,
Just keep your mouth shut
Or please, go away.

Maybe I didn't win,
Maybe I didn’t place,
But I tried really hard
And I finished the race.

I set a personal best,
Which makes me feel good.
Today, I did much better
Than I thought I ever could.



May 14, 2021

Hi. This is an awesome message! hope this recording is good!

May 15, 2021

Thank you, great performance! Sure my students will enjoy it!

May 15, 2021

I turned it into a real slam song with background music ; feel free to ask if you want me to send it to you!


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