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English Audio Request

195 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Almost natural speed, with clear pronunciation, please! Thank you!

Hey guys, I’m Greg, I’m seventeen, and this is my Chinese portrait. First, if I were an object, I would be a pair of rollerblades, because rollerblading is my favourite pastime; I usually go to the skatepark after school with my friends. Second, if I were food, I would be something sweet, a dessert probably, something that has fruit on it, like for example, apple pie or strawberry pie. Next, if I were a country, I would be Costa-Rica because it’s where my sister lives; I went there last year, and it was amazing, the landscapes are awesome, and the people are very friendly … and the weather is really nice. If I were a piece of clothing, I would be a pair of sunglasses. If I were a song … wow, that’s a hard one, because there are so many songs that I like. I like pop music, one of my favourite band is “The White Stripes”; so if I were a song, I would probably be a song called “We’re gonna be friends”. I like it because it’s sweet and relaxing, I listen to it in my bed, and I like the guitar.




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