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English Audio Request

329 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
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• Thank you for reading.

(Mar 11th 2012 16:01 )~ ♪~Have a good Sunday! ♪~

• Hi,everyone, how are you all?
• It`s a Sunday afternoon.
• Outside the window it`s still a little cold.
• Everyone should take care not to catch a cold.
• The entry below is from my entry a day before yesterday.
• Oh,the picture  of below is the picture of today`s sky.
• Yeah~it`s cold and clean blue! Cold spring!

(Mar 09th 2012 18:48) < Chiledren`s scientific experiment.>
• Hi~ How are you all? I feel a bit tired now.
• However it`s OK, because just tomorrow is Saturday.
• Today I will talk about my classes of Children in an elemantry school.
Maybe a few friends alredy know, I used to go to schools and teach childrens as a substitute teacher.
• I quitted a teacher long times ago, but often when school need a substitute teacher I can go to teach childeren with plaesure.
• I t makes me happy even though sometimes it`s a little tiring. /( 'kind of tiring'/ 'sort of tiring'/)
• It makes me happy even though sometimes it`s some tired.
• Last week, I taught the science classes for the 6th grade children. lt was not bad.
• We learned unit one, about 'a part about light' .
• These children are doing a scientific experiment.
• How is it? Doesn’t it seem they are so diligently working?
• They were very interested in this experiment of light.
• Oh, the second picture is some toy vehicles in the front of the school gate.
• If put a coin in you can play on[with] these cute cars and Donald duck.
• And, the following is one of my videos that I took while the children were watching and explaining about light.

• And, the following is one of my video which/that/ I took when children were watching a explaining about light.
~(Thanks for reading. Please correct my mistakes. Thnak you!~♥♡~♥ )~


  • (Mar 09th 2012 18:48) < Chiledren`s scientific experiment.> ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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March 12, 2012


모두 안녕하세요?
저는 지금 약간 피곤합니다. 그렇지만 괜잖아요, 바로 내일이면 토요일이니까요.
오늘은 초등학교 학생들의 수업에 대해서 말씀 드리겠습니다.
어떤 분은 이미 아실 지 모르겠지만, 저는 가끔 학교의 임시 교사로 나갑니다.
오래전에 학교를 그만 두었지만,
가끔 학교에서 임시 교사가 필요할 때는
임시교사로 나가서 아이들을 즐겁게 가르칩니다.

지난주 일주일간 나는 6학년의 과학 수업을 했습니다. 괜찮았어요.
우리들은 1단원의 빛에 대해서 공부했습니다.

이 아이들이 과학 실험을 열심히 하고 있지요?
정말 열심히 실험을 하고 있지요?
모두들 이 빛 실험에 매우 흥미로와 했습니다.

아, 두번재 사진은 학교 교문 앞의 장난감 탈것입니다.
여러분도 동전을 넣으면 이 귀여운 미니 자동차와 도널드 덕을 탈 수 있습니다. ^.^♬

April 19, 2012

Thanks "bananaman"~♪♪~


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