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English Audio Request

245 Words / 3 Recordings / 8 Comments

• Hello everyone,♡how are you all?
The following entry is from my entry yesterday in Chinese and English.
• (The entry below is from my Chinese entry from yesterday.)
• I tried to describe a thing that I saw on my way home in English.Thanks for reading. Have a good Friday!

--(Feb 23th 2012)---------------------------------------------
I`ll talk about one thing which/that I saw on my way home this evening.
When I was on the way home, I found a car stopped on the road/ street when I tried to turn left at a traffic light.
• -(when I tried to turn left at the traffic light, I found a car stopped in the road/street.
• As you can see from my picture taken today, the front bumper of that car`s front bumper fell off and tumbled down the street.
• It seems that when this car tried to turn right, a pickup truck hit it straight on, which caused the car`s front bumper to fall.
• I also wanted to make a left turn, so I waited briefly before I turned at the traffic lights.
• The second picture is from today`s lunch, which I took with some students.
• The third picture is Betty, which I took yesterday.
• Yesterday she gazed at me for a while and I felt that her eyes were really charmingly clear, so I took a picture of her eyes.
• (Thanks for reading. Please correct my mistkaes. ~^.^~ )


  • (Feb 23th 2012)one thing which/that I saw on my way home this evening. ( recorded by Antoinette_ ), American (California)

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  • (Feb 23th 2012)one thing which/that I saw on my way home this evening. ( recorded by Antoinette_ ), American (California)

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  • (Feb 23th 2012)one thing which/that I saw on my way home this evening. ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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Feb. 24, 2012

• 我想说说关于 今晚回家的路上所看到的。
• 今晚我在信号灯前等左转信号时 ( 今晚我在等红绿灯时),
• 在照片上,大家可以看到,汽车前的保险杠bǎoxiǎn gàng掉在马路上。
• 我估计这辆车右转的时候小卡车向前直进。
• 所以这小卡车把小汽车的前保险杠bǎoxiǎn gàng撞掉在路上。
• 我在等红绿灯左转的时候赶紧拍了一张。
• 第二张照片是金亭中午时跟学生们一起吃的午餐。
• 第三张照片是昨天我拍的 Betty。昨天它一直盯着我,觉得它的眼睛很可爱,所以我拍了下来。
• (谢谢 阅读。请多多指教. ~^.^~ )

•오늘 저녁 집에 오는 길에 본 것을 이야기 해 볼까 합니다.
•집으로 돌아 오는 길에 자동차 한대가 길에 정지해 있는 것을 보았습니다.
•여러분이 사진에서 보시다시피, 앞 범퍼가 떨어져 나가 길바닥에 동댕이쳐진 상태입니다 .
•아마도 그 승용차는 우회전을 하려고 했고, 미니 트럭은 직진을 하려고 하는 중 •승용차의 앞 범퍼를 떨어뜨린것 같습니다.
•저는 좌회전을 하려고 신호등 앞에서 기다리다가 얼른 한 장을 찍었습니다.
•두 번째 사진은 오늘 학생들과 먹은 점심식사입니다.
•세 번째 사진은 어제 찍은 베티입니다.
어제 베티가 나를 한참 쳐다 보고 있길래, 그 눈이 예뻐서 한 장 찍었습니다.

Feb. 24, 2012

If I record one choice over another, that's the one I think is correct, with these exceptions:

Either "road" or "street" would be grammatically correct. However, I used "road" to avoid repetition of the word "street" over and over again.

Preferable: "That car's front bumper fell off and tumbled down the street."
Depending on context, either is right.

Should be: "The following is from yesterday's entry in Chinese and English." or

Should be: "The following is from my Chinese entry from yesterday."

Should be: "I tried to describe 'in English' a thing that I saw on my way home."

Correct choice is: "When I tried to turn left at 'a' traffic light,..." [not the)

I found a car stopped "on" [not in] the road.

Preferable: "...that car's front bumper fell off and tumbled down the street."

"Please correct my 'mistakes'." [mistakes spelled wrong]

Feb. 24, 2012

Second Recording is the Corrected One

I changed "one thing" three in three places to "something."

Preferable after a second reading is:

"the front bumper of that car fell off and tumbled down the street."

Feb. 24, 2012

Antoinette_. Thank you very much!

<Something that I saw on my way home this evening. >
Hello everyone,♡how are you all? The following is from yesterday`s entry in Chinese and English.I tried to describe in English something that I saw on my way home. Thanks for reading. Have a good Friday!

(Feb 23th 2012)•I`ll talk about something that I saw on my way home this evening.
I found a car stopped on the road when I tried to turn left at a traffic light. As you can see from my picture taken today, the front bumper of that car`s fell off and tumbled down the street. It seems that when this car tried to turn right, a pickup truck hit it straight on, which caused the car`s front bumper to fall.I also wanted to make a left turn, so I waited briefly before I turned at the traffic lights.The second picture is from today`s lunch, which I took with some students.

Feb. 24, 2012

The third picture is Betty, which I took yesterday.Yesterday she gazed at me for a while and I felt that her eyes were really charmingly clear, so I took a picture of her eyes.(Thanks for reading. Please correct my mistakes.)

Feb. 25, 2012

You're welcome, bangbang.

I notice a typo that needs correcting.

Incorrect: "the front bumper of that 'car's' fell off"

should be----> the front bumper of that 'car' fell off

Feb. 25, 2012

Oh, I see! "~~the front bumper of that 'car' fell off~~"

Thank you very very much for your kind!

March 2, 2012

Thanks "vankrot"! ~♬


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