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English Audio Request

349 Words / 2 Recordings / 12 Comments

(Feb 28th 2011 03:18)–<Complaint >–
My eyes are really complaining to me now .
Yes, I know (that) I should go to bed,
but now I am here in front of my/the desk. ( but now I am here at my desk. )
WOoooo~~ ok, I really need to go to bed, like right now!
(Mar 04th 2011 19:11)-( ☆(At the noon)☆—————–
•I haven’t written any entries in English for a few days.
• SooooooOoooo~~? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
•Yeah~~ I should be regretting the fact that I didn’t write. SooooooOoooo~~?
• I will try to write again soon/ (= later/= sooner or later .)
• Oh, now I am not home, I’m at a school in an empty classroom.
• I’m by myself. It`s such a nice feeling.
• Ok–*when I come back home I will try to keep writing this entry. = * When I come back home I’ll try to finish this entry. bye~~see you soon!
——☆(in the evening )-☆————————————
Hi~~ everyone! I came back, and now I’m here at home.
It’s evening now. Is 19:00 the evening ? Or is it night time?
I don’t know well….but anyway,
I am here in front of my desk / ( I am here at my desk ), writing an English entry now.
• Yes, now I will go on writing into the daytime, but what will I write?
• OK., I will talk about one of my friend’s. She is one of my Lang-8 friends.
• She wrote an entry in Korean.
• In her entry, she went to see her cousin. Her cousin is studying at a university 1000 kilometers away from where she lives.
• So she has to take a plane there, and she said, she are scared a little bit to take a plane. //
(She was scared a little bit taking a plane. Anyway, she has arrived safely now! )
• bye-bye~~ see you soon!
I hope she will have a good time with her cousin.
bye-bye~~ see you soon! Because I will back to read my lang-8 friends’ corrections.



Feb. 18, 2012

(2011 2.28 ) 불평
와~~ 내 눈이 지금 많이 피곤해요. 내게 마구 항의하고 있답니다.
네! 알고 있답니다. 난 지금 잠을 자러 가야 해요! 그런데도 이렇게 책상 앞에 앉아 있네요.
우~~~~~~~~~~넵! 정말로 지금 자러 갈겁니다, 지금 즉시요! 안녕!
• 여러분, 모두 안녕하셔요?
• 영어 일기를 안 썼어요.
• 안 쓴지 한참 되었지요?
• 네~~ 영어 일기를 안 썼으니 반성해야겠지요? 그래서요~~~?? 다시 써야지요. 곧, 조만간~~
• 아~ 지금은 집이 아니예요. 여기는 학교예요, 텅빈 교실에 있답니다.
• 이렇게 혼자 있는 것은 정말 기분이 좋아요.
• 네___ 집에 돌아 가서 이 일기를 마져 이어서 쓸게요.
• -안녕! ~~ 잠시 뒤에 뵈요-

Feb. 18, 2012

—(저녁에)—— 안녕하셔요? 여러분! 집에 돌아 왔습니다. 이제 집이에요, 그리고 지금은 저녁이고요.
19:00시면 저녁인가요? 아니면 밤인가요? 잘 모르겠네요…그러나 어째튼 나는 내 책상 앞에 앉아 있습니다. 네~~ 지금부터 낮의 일기를 이어서 마저 쓰려고 합니다. 그런데 무엇을 써야 하지요?
네! 저의 한 lang-8의 친구의 이야기를 쓰겠습니다. 그 친구는 한국어로 일기를 썼는데, 사촌을 만나러 간다고 했습니다. 그 친구 사촌은 그녀 집에서 1000킬로미터가 떨어진 곳에서 대학을 다니고 있어서, 비행기를 타고 가야 한다고 했습니다. 그런데 그녀는 비행기 타는 것이 좀 두렵다고 하네요. 아무튼, 이제 그녀는 안전하게 도착했답니다. 그녀가 사촌과 즐거운 시간을 보내기를 바랍니다.
여러분 모두 잘 보내셔요! 안녕!잠시 뒤에 다시 봐요, 왜냐고요? lang-8 친구분들이 고쳐 준 글들을 다시 보러 와야 하니까요! 감-사-합-니-다!

Feb. 24, 2012


"My eyes are really complaining me now."

"At noon."

"I'm at school..."

"...she was a little bit scared..."

Feb. 24, 2012

Antoinette_,♥Thank you very much! ♡♥

(Feb 28th 2011 03:18)–<Complaint>–
My eyes are really complaining me now. Yes, I know I should go to bed, but now I am here at my desk. WOoooo~~ ok, I really need to go to bed, like right now!
(Mar 04th 2011 19:11)-( ☆(At noon)☆—————–
•I haven’t written any entries in English for a few days.
• SooooooOoooo~~? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
•Yeah~~ I should be regretting the fact that I didn’t write.SooooooOoooo~~?
• I will try to write again sooner or later.
• Oh, now I am not home, I’m at school in an empty classroom.
• I’m by myself. It`s such a nice feeling.
• Ok–*when I come back home I will try to finish this entry. bye~~see you soon!

Feb. 24, 2012

——☆(in the evening )-☆————————————
• Hi~~ everyone! I came back, and now I’m here at home.
• It’s evening now. Is 19:00 the evening ? Or is it night time? I don’t know well…
• But anyway, I am here at my desk, writing an English entry now.
• Yes, now I will go on writing into the daytime, but what will I write?
• OK, I will talk about one of my friend’s. She is one of my Lang-8 friends.
• She wrote an entry in Korean. In her entry, she went to see her cousin. Her cousin is studying at a university 1000 kilometers away from where she lives.
• So she has to take a plane there, and she said, she was a little bit scared to take a plane. Anyway, she has arrived safely now!
I hope she will have a good time with her cousin.
bye-bye~~ see you soon! Because I will back to read my lang-8 friends’ corrections.

Feb. 25, 2012

bangbang, I overlooked an error that I, unfortunately, also make:

"nighttime" is all one word, [not night time].

Although I punctuated with my voice, I didn't transcribe that punctuation into writing.

So, to make the writing sound more natural, like the vocal transcription, I'm going to add some punctuation here:

I will try to write again ... sooner or later.

Or is it nighttime? I don't know, well.
[comma needed between 'know' and 'well' for the sense of it]

And in the last sentence, I would put a comma after 'Because':

"Because, I will be back to read..."

Feb. 25, 2012

(Feb 28th 2011 03:18)–<Complaint>–
My eyes are really complaining me now. Yes, I know I should go to bed, but now I am here at my desk. WOoooo~~ ok, I really need to go to bed, like right now!

(Mar 04th 2011 19:11)-( ☆(At noon)☆—————–
•I haven’t written any entries in English for a few days.
• SooooooOoooo~~? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
•Yeah~~ I should be regretting the fact that I didn’t write. SooooooOoooo~~?
• I will try to write again...... sooner or later.
• Oh, now I am not home, I’m at school in an empty classroom.
• I’m by myself. It`s such a nice feeling.
• Ok–*when I come back home I will try to finish this entry. bye~~see you soon!

Feb. 25, 2012

bangbang1Feb. 24, 2012 ——☆(in the evening )-☆————————————
• Hi~~ everyone! I came back, and now I’m here at home.
• It’s evening now. Is 19:00 the evening ? Or is it night time? I don’t know, well…
• But anyway, I am here at my desk, writing an English entry now.
• Yes, now I will go on writing into the daytime, but what will I write?
• OK, I will talk about one of my friend’s. She is one of my Lang-8 friends.
• She wrote an entry in Korean. In her entry, she went to see her cousin. Her cousin is studying at a university 1000 kilometers away from where she lives.
• So she has to take a plane there, and she said, she was a little bit scared to take a plane. Anyway, she has arrived safely now!
I hope she will have a good time with her cousin.
bye-bye~~ see you soon!
Because, I will back to read my lang-8 friends’ corrections.
"Antoinette_", Really thank you for your kind! ♡

Feb. 25, 2012

Oh, one more, -"nighttime!"-

Feb. 28, 2012

Thanks "vankrot"! ^.^

Feb. 28, 2012

Thanks "vankrot"! ^.^


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