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English Audio Request

93 Words / 1 Recordings / 5 Comments

(Feb 25TH.2011)• Hi, everyone, how are you? ?
• These days / Recently, the temperature has been VERY low
• We have had freezing weather for some days now.
• It has been below zero (=The temperature has been below zero)for several days / for a few days / for a couple of days already。
• Below are Korean and Chinese audio for yesterday’s entry.
• If you are interested, you can listen to them, but I’m afraid it’s too long and fast for you.
• Take care, and don’t catch a cold!



Feb. 12, 2012

모두 안녕하세요?
요즘 /최근에 기온이 무척 내려갔어요. 며칠간 계속 영하의 날씨네요.
아래는 제가 어제의 중국어 일기를 중국어와 한국어로 녹음한 것입니다.
혹시 여러분이 관심이 있으시면 한번 들어 보셔도 좋아요.
그런데 여러분께는 아마 너무 길고 좀 빠를 것 같아요. 감기 걸리지 않도록 조심하셔요..

Feb. 12, 2012

Korean Audio=>

Feb. 12, 2012

Korean Audio=>

Feb. 12, 2012

Thank you, "Antoinette_" !

Feb. 12, 2012

You're always welcome!


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