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English Audio Request

112 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments

Dec.1st 2011)<a bunch of beautiful flowers> Today morning, I felt so easy/relieved and better,since I didn`t need to get up early.
Finally I had finished /completed my work as a substitute homeroom teacher for three monthes.To tell the truth, that class`s homeroom teacher would have liked to extend her contract, but I felt three monthes were enough for meI had learned a lot through those kaleidoscope kids.Throughout those days / During that time/,I felt again that there`s nothing more important than educating the children, as you know.I felt again that educating children is the most important thing, as you know. ♥The picture is a bunch of beautiful flower that I received today.



Feb. 12, 2012

2011.12.1)<커다란 꽃다발을 가슴에 안고서..> 오늘 아침에는 서둘러 일어날 필요가 없으니, 부담이 없었습니다.마침내 오늘로써 3개월간의 임시 담임의 책임을 다했기 때문입니다.사실 말하자면, 담임 선생님께서 좀 더 휴가를 연장 하시기를 원하셨지만, 저는 처음 계획대로 마무리하는게 좋다고 여겼습니다.하하하….제 입장에서는 3개월이면 충분하다고 여기기 때문입니다.변화무쌍한 아이들과 지내는 시간동안 저도 많은 것을 배웠습니다.이 기간을 통해서, 여러분 모두 이미 아시다시피, 아이들 교육보다 더 중요한것이 없음을 새삼 느꼈습니다.♥오늘 사진은 제가 오늘 받은 아름다운 꽃다발입니다! ♥
(2011.12.1)《抱着一大漂亮的花束 [huā shù]。 》 今天早晨没什么事情,不用早起(着急起)。这是因为昨天我终于结束了这三个月的临时班主的责任 。说实话,那个班的班主任老师想延长点休假,不过我觉得还是按原来的计划结束比较好/ 合适/。哈哈。。。,对我来说,这三个月已经够了。跟千变万化 qiān biàn wàn huà 的孩子们在一起的一段时间都给我一种新的学习. 大家都知道似的,通过这段时间,我再感觉到了,
今天的照片是今天我收到的一大漂亮的花束 [huā shù]。~谢谢阅读,请多多指教修改。请大家告诉我地道的/更自然的汉语表达方式。

Feb. 12, 2012

I changed "Today morning" to "This morning." I said "again felt" instead of "felt again," but I don't think there's any real difference. (Sorry about that change.)

I put "as you know" after "important..." and put the second "as you know" after "educating children..." The other way just sounded awkward to my California ear.

Feb. 12, 2012

Antoinette_, Thanks so much for recording!
Moreover, thank you, very very much for fixing! ((^_________^))/



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