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English Audio Request

202 Words / 2 Recordings / 6 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please, just record the part of English, don`t need to read the part of Korean. Thank you very much!

(2012.1.28)Dictinary/ sample sentences:
<장기 자랑>
Sometimes they have talent shows. 때로 학생들은 장기 자랑을 벌인다.
Then they perform in the talent show. 그리고 학생들은 장기 자랑을 한다.
You know what her pageant talent is? 걔 장기자랑이 뭔 줄 알아?
<강요당하여 >
by[under/on] pressure 《from》/under compulsion.
복종을 강요하다 exact obedience from 《a person》.
노동을 강요하다 force labor 《upon a person》.
자백을 강요하다 extort a confession from 《a person》.
당신은 내게 복종을 강요하려고 하는가 Are you trying to force me to obey?
그는 자기 생각을 아들들에게 강요했다 He imposed his will on his sons.
그는 내게 술을 마시도록 강요했다 He insisted on my drinking.
그는 꼼짝 못하고 그 일을 강요당했다 He was made[compelled/forced] to do it willy-nilly.
그는 그녀에게 즉각 사직하도록 강요했다 He demanded that she (should) resign immediately.
그들은 그에게 기부금을 강요했다 They coerced him into donating money.
나는 백과 사전을 사도록 강요당했다 I was pressured to buy the encyclopedia.
나는 자발적이기보다는 강요되어 기부금을 냈다 My donation was more forced than voluntary.
그는 강요당하여 굴복했다 He was forced[compelled] to submit.
그는 빚을 당장 갚으라고 강요했다 He put pressure on me to repay my debt at once.
그녀는 사직을 강요당하여 그만두었다 She has been forced out of office/She was compulsorily relieved of his post



Feb. 1, 2012

Thank you "bananaman"! ..^.^……
bananaman, 你是华侨吗?

Feb. 1, 2012

no problem bangbang1, glad to help! :)

sorry, I can't read Chinese! :( using Google translate I managed to roughly decipher "你是华侨吗" to "You are overseas you"

Yes, I'm from overseas. London, UK.
I'm British Chinese! can't you tell?? ^^

Feb. 1, 2012

Check out my rusty Cantonese on Forvo! ^^ hehe

Feb. 2, 2012

bananaman, Thank you very much.
Oh~, You have a wonderful site! ^o^/

Feb. 2, 2012

Thank you very much"Antoinette "!~^.^~

Feb. 2, 2012

You're welcome!


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