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English Audio Request

417 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:


And folowing entry is that I found in a Korean News papaer. If you have intersting you can try to read and try to put it into practice^^/ Hahaha, Sure, we know "An ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory."((^________________________^))
<Tips for Better Dieting>>>
Tips for Better Dieting Dieting is usually a lonely and difficult struggle that takes time until it pays off, which is why many people to give up halfway through. But what matters is the process, not the speed with which you lose weight.

Reduced food intake lowers the basal metabolism, which in turn reduces calorie consumption and makes it hard to lose weight despite eating less. Growing more muscle through exercise does not lower the basal metabolism but increases the calories burned. This is the reason why you need a long-term plan to lose weight accompanied by exercise. Here are some useful tips for losing weight in a healthy way.

◆ Chew More
The more you chew, the more time you have to satisfy the satiety center in the brain. It is an effective strategy to feel full with less food. Also, the very action of chewing burns calories.

◆ Drink More Water
Experts say chronic dehydration causes the brain to confound thirst and hunger, so you end up eating more food. This is why drinking lots of water daily is important. The recommended amount is about 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. Sufficient water in the body will stimulate energy use and weight loss.

◆ Start with Fiber
Starting a meal with fibrous food makes you feel full sooner. Chilies are full of capsaicin that helps decompose fat.

◆ Balance Food on the Table
Some people say they never lose weight although they eat less. One likely reason is because they eat only what they want to eat. There are nutrients that are burned as energy and nutrients that help burn calories, and unbalanced diet often leads to shortage of the latter. Try having all different kinds of food on the table.

◆ Keep a Journal
A food journal helps you discover problems in your dietary habits and gives you an idea of how to improve them. While keeping a record of what you eat, you realize how much calories, fat, and sugar are contained in the chocolate, candy and drinks you half-consciously snack on through the day. Experts say a diary helps you to stop overeating because you discover what you need and what you don't need.


  • <Tips for Better Dieting>>> ( recorded by Ziris ), American - Michigan

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Jan. 28, 2012

A note on my includes some corrections in the comments before the article. What I read was:

The following entry is one that I found in a Korean News paper. If you are interested, you can read it and try to put it into practice for yourself^^/ Hahaha, Sure, we know "An ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory."

Jan. 28, 2012

Ziris, Thank you very much for recording and correction!


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