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English Audio Request

207 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments

(Jan 20. 1012) Last week, I went for a drive with two of my good friends. It was a short trip over two days and one night. This was a very sudden decision which we decided when we met and watched a movie last week.(= It was a spur of the moment trip~ ) My two friends thought it would be better to take short trip before the end of their winter vacation. (/=My two friends thought it would be better to take short trip before they finished their winter vacation. ) (* ps: They are teachers.) It was really nice and I was very thankful that I could take a trip with good friends without any hesitation.It`s a really nice thing and very thanksful thing we can start trip?/ travel?/ with good friends without any hesitating. So I uploaded my pictures of my little trip on my blog here. The sentences below are the explanations of my pictures. It’s not easy for me to write/to translate the Korean explanations into English again. So I just wrote the explanations in Korean and didn’t write them in English. But if someone wants to write them in English, you can try. ^.^ Thank you very much! You're very welcome!



Jan. 20, 2012

(2012.1.13~14): 《일~박 이~일/ 两天一夜/ 1 Night 2 Days 〉
上星期五我和两个朋友去丹阳兜风了。这是两天一夜的短旅行。这个旅行计划,是上个星期我们见面看电影的时候,突然决定的。这两个朋友想结束寒假之前,我们应该要出去一趟两天一夜的短旅行。(这两个朋友认为寒假结束前应该进行/想在寒假结束前进行两天一夜的短旅行。)我把我的旅行照片都在我的博客里上传了。下面的句子是解释那些照片的内容中一部分。剩下的内容是明天再继续写写。这次我把韩文短句用中文解释的时候,觉得很不容易。 我觉得实在不好找跟韩文和中文正好符合的词语。请大家帮我看看告诉我该要修改的地方,该怎么修改呢? 谢谢阅读。(下面的视频是朋友开车的时候我随便拍的。)

Jan. 23, 2012

Thank you very much, bananaman!

Jan. 24, 2012

yw! ^^


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