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English Audio Request

505 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments

~~☆★`~~ (Jan 19th 2012)~~☆★`~~
Hello,everyone, how are you? Today I have a lot of things that I`d like to talk about. However, I`m very sleepy and tired and don`t have time to write everything. It's already 1:00 A.M. /= It's already past midnight. /= It's already 1:00 in the morning.
And also, over the last week, I haven't reviewed my past year`s entries. So, I`ll review my entries from a year ago, from January 11th 2011, and then I`ll write about what happened today, tomorrow. Please read it and let me know if you can find any other more natural expressions. Thank you! Today`s video is my sister and her dog. I took it when I stopped by her house this evening on my way home. Her dog is so cute ^^/I like her dog is named "Konan". If I have time, I can talk about him(My sister`s dog.) Good night!
~~☆★`~~(Jan 11th 2011) 《A date on a snowy night/ A date on a snowing night >~~~☆★`
Hello, everyone, how are you?
ooOoooo ~~It`s too late to write an entry now, but I will write very briefly.
• Yeah~~~~ I had a date with my son tonight. (=This evening, I had a date with my son.) Oh, my husband went on a business trip this morning.
• Today late in the afternoon when I was teaching a class, my son texted me, and said "Shall we eat out this evening?"(/="How about eating out this evening for a change?". )
• Wow...After I finished my classes we met near HongIk University when it began to snow out of nowhere.
• It wasn't just snowing a little bit, there were big and large snowflakes.
• Yes, big and white snowflakes were falling down from the dark night sky as if beautiful white flowers were dancing.
• We stood in a long line under the white snow because my son wanted to eat in a small restaurant.
• Sooo~~? we ate a bowl of rice capped[topped] with pork.
• Then after that we went to a cafe and had coffee while we talked about random things.
• After that we came back home and took Betty and Zzang-a (our 2 dogs) out for a walk.
• To tell you the truth we weren't really walking.. We ran under the snow late at night. My son ran after me.
• It must be have been a strange scene for other people. (/=It must have looked like a strange scene to the other people.)
• Hahaha.... running with dogs under this snowing dark night? Freaking out a little?
• Maybe someone thought, 'they must be off their heads to go running and jumping with dogs in this dark snowy night!'
• Anyways, after, my son gave Betty and Zzang-A warm bath.
• I thought Wow~~~it`s really late, tomorrow I have to leave early in the morning.@.@/ Bye~~ Sweet dreams!
I will come back tomorrow evening/night and will write a Korean entry with Korean audio too . See you tomorrow~ bye^.*/



Jan. 19, 2012

~~~>(2011.1.11) 《雪夜的约会》~~~~☆★`~~ ~♬~~~~~
•今天下午我上课的时候,收到了一条短信,是儿子发给我的。他说“今天晚上我们在外边吃饭怎么样? "
•我下课后刚见到儿子的时候,哇~~ 突然下雪了。
•这 不是小的雪,而是 鹅毛大雪[émáo dàxuě],它一下子开始纷纷飘落[fēn fēn piāo luò]了。
•黑黑的天空里,就像 纯白的花在 跳舞似的,白色的雪花 纷纷飘落了下来。 我和儿子在雪中,排着队等了半天。
•这是因为我儿子他想吃那小餐厅的 盖浇饭 [gài jiāo fàn ]。
•所以呢~~我们终于可以吃到好吃的 盖浇饭 了[gài jiāo fàn ]。
•然后我们去咖啡厅边喝咖啡边聊天, 扯闲篇儿 [chě xián piānr ].
•”不管怎么样,跑完后,儿子给베티和짱아用热水干净地洗了澡。• 哇~~实在是很晚了。
•大家晚安!明天我再来写韩文和录音吧。那么。。。明天见! ~~《谢谢你的阅读,请多指教!》

Jan. 19, 2012

--(2011.1.11)《 눈 온 날 아들과의 데이트.》~~~~☆★`~~ ~♬~~~~~------
지금은 일기 쓰기에 너무 늦은 시간이지만, 서둘러서 얼른 짧게 쓸게요.
네~~~ 오늘 저는 아들과 데이트를 했습니다.
오늘 늦은 오후 수업 중, 아들로부터 “오늘 저녁 밖에서 먹으면 어때?” 라는 메시지를 받았습니다. 와~~~ 수업을 마치고 홍익대 근처에서 아들을 만났을 때. 마침 갑자기 눈이 오기 시작했습니다. 작은 눈이 아니고 함박눈이 펑펑 내리기 시작한 것입니다. 네! ~~ 깜깜한 하늘에서 마치 하얀 꽃들이 춤을 추듯이, 새하얀 눈꽃송이들이 흩날리며 내려 왔습니다.우리는 흩날리는 눈송이 속에서 긴 줄을 서서 기다렸습니다. 왜냐하면 아들이 그 조그만 식당의 음식을 먹고 싶어 했기 때문입니다. 그래서요? ~~~ 우리는 맛있는 고기덮밥을 먹었습니다. 그리고 나서 근처 카페에 가서 이런저런 얘기를 나누며 커피를 마셨습니다.

집에 돌아 온 뒤에 베티와 짱아를 데리고 나가 집 주변을 잠시 걸었습니다. 사실 말하자면, 걸은 게 아니고 눈 내리는 어둠 속에서 달리기를 했던 거지요. 아들은 제 뒤를 따라 달렸고요. 다른 사람이 봤다면 정말 이상한 모습이겠지요? 하하하….눈 내리는 어둠 속에서 개와 달리는 것, 좀 정신 나간 짓 같지요? 어쩌면 다른 사람이 ‘저 사람들 눈 오는 밤중에 개와 달리다니 정신이 분명히 이상해진걸야. ‘ 이렇게 생각했을지도 모릅니다. 아무튼 아들은 산책이 끝난 뒤, 베티와 짱아에게 따뜻한 목욕을 시켜 주었습니다.
와~~ 정말 늦었네요. 내일 아침 일찍 나가야 하는 데,…...@.@/
안녕히 주무셔요. 내일 밤에 와서 한글로 일기도 쓰고 한글로 녹음도 하겠습니다. 그럼 내일 뵙겠습니다. ♣Korean Audio~>


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