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English Audio Request

101 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments

(Jan 03rd 2012 17:35 )<It's snowing this time!>((^___________________^))
„SooooOOoo~~nice!!! Great!!! This time is Jan 03rd 2012 5:25pm.When I went out after class, I found snowflakes were flying around. They looked like (/seemed like) white flowers dancing in the sky. Beautiful day! I took some picture with my smartphone, I just don't know how to upload them up with smartphone on the lang-8 site. I`ll upload them after I get home. You'll see them soon! Do you know how to upload pictures with smartphone on lang-8?
(♣Please correct my mistakes~!! ^.*/ I`m home now, and now I`m loading pictures and recording Korean.)


  • (Jan 03rd 2012 17:35 )<It's snowing this time!> ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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Jan. 4, 2012

(2012.1.3. 17:35 )哇~正在下雪呢! 真好!真漂亮! 现在时间是晚上5点25分!我下课后出来时,通过窗外看到的/(看见的都?)是窗外的白雪。它们在空中就象白花纷纷跳舞似的一个一个飘下来。多么漂亮啊!我用智能手机赶快拍了几张!不过却不知道用智能手机怎么上传在ang-8这儿呢。
只不过回家后才能上传呢。一会儿见! 拜拜!对了!谁知道用智能手机上传在ang-8呢? (♣请多多修改!)
2012.1.3)지금 눈이 내리고 있네요!
와~멋있어요! 너무 좋아요! 2012년 1월 3일 오후 5시25분입니다!수업을 마치고 나오니 하얀눈송이가 마치 꽃잎이 하늘에서 춤을 추듯이 내려오고 있어요.
정말 예뻐요! 스마트폰으로 사진은 찍었는데, 스마트폰으로 올리는 방법을 모르겠어요. 집에 가서 올릴게요. 잠시뒤에 만나요. 바이바이...
참, 여러분은 스마트 폰으로 (lang-8에) 사진 올리는 방법을 아세요?
Korean Audio~>

Jan. 24, 2012

Thank you Thomas, always!
Happy new year!


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