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English Audio Request

272 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read the part of in English, don`t need to read the part of Korean. Thank you! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

===[dectionary/sample sentences] ====
stop by들르다, 방문하다
stop by for…하려고 들르다.
stop by at…에 들르다.

Drop[Stop, Swing] by sometime.
Drop in sometime. = 언제 한번 들러

버스 정거장을 지나오다pass by a bus stop
중도에서 그만두다
stop in the middle of work ;
do things by halves;
stop working halfway

We’ll stop by at your place. (당신이 있는 곳에 들르겠습니다.)
Yeah, I thought I'd stop by. (그래, 잠깐 들릴까 싶어서 )
I happened to be in the neighborhood and thought I´d stop by and say hello.
(이 동네에 온 김에 인사나 하고 갈까 해서 들렀습니다)

I'm sure you did for the interview, so do it again when you stop by personnel.
(그러니 인사부에 올 때도 그렇게 해주세요.)

I hope that it will not inconvenience you to stop by tomorrow.
(내일 제가 들르는[방문하는] 것이 폐가 되지 않았으면 합니다.)

Yeah. I just gotta stop by my locker first. (그래. 먼저 라커에 들러야 돼.)
She wants you to stop by. (당신이 한번 들려 주길 바라셔)
We’ll stop by at your place. (당신이 있는 곳에 들르겠습니다.)

We just thought we’d stop by. (잠시 들르러 왔다)
Why not stop by and see you in person? (잠시 들러서 얼굴이나 볼까 했지)
Yeah. Yeah, I stopped by her place. (응, 그녀의 집에 잠시 들렀어)

I stopped by to congratulate you. (축하하려고 들렀어요)
Stopped by? As in, uh, (들렀다고? 단지 그냥..)
Well, thanks for stopping by. (그래, 들려줘서 고맙네)

I stopped by to see you, but you were out. (너를 만나려고 잠시 들렀는데 부재중이더군.)
I was stopped by a police car for speeding. (나는 속도 위반으로 경찰차에 붙들렸다)
Well, my boss stopped by the house today. (내 상관이 아까 아침에 왔었는데 )


  • dectionary/sample sentences]stop bystop by, 방문하다 ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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Jan. 23, 2012

Thank you very much, bananaman!
"HAPPY 'Seolnal'! ^.^"
Yesterday was Korean NEW YEAR lunar calendar. ("Seolnal" : 'Seolnal’ is the first day of lunar calendar.)You know? This year is a dragon year. ^^

"Be happy in dragon year! "

Jan. 24, 2012

you're very welcome as always bangbang! :)

Happy CNY/Lunar/Seolnal to you too! yes, i know it's the year of the dragon year, I'm Chinese! it's a big deal for me too. let's be happy together and hope that'll be a great year! ^^

恭喜发财! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!


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