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English Audio Request

251 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments

♣ The below is my entry from nine days ago, on Dec. 21st .2011.
• I feel I made a lot of mistakes, I just don`t know which are correct and which are incorrect. If you find my mistkaes, please corrct them. Thank you!~♪~
(Dec. 21st 2011)《two bottles of wine and a bouquet of purple flowers 》
• Four days ago, December 21st, was my birthday.
= (My birthday was Decmber 21st, four days ago. /? )
• I`ll try to briefly talk about the dinner I had that day
• That day my son bought two bottles of wine and a bouquet of purple flowers on his way home from the office, and my husband made seaweed soup for me.
• In Korea, after a mother has a baby she eats seaweed soup for a while, about 3~4 weeks, since we believe it helps the mother`s health and also it helps her breast feed.
• And besides we Koreans usually eat seaweed soup on birthdays.
• I really don`t know why we eat seaweed soup on birthdays, but it`s good food for health anyway.
• Is it because I remember my mom eating it after she gave birth to me?
• Anyway, the three of us ate seaweed soup and drank wine.
• Thanks to my son and my husband!
• Today`s pictures are the wine and flowers on our dinner table.
• Oh I forgot to take pictures of the seaweed soup.( Thanks for reading, please correct my mistakes)


  • (Dec. 21st 2011)《two bottles of wine and a bouquet of purple flowers 》 와인 두 병과 보라색 꽃다발 ( recorded by moarplease ), American (New England)

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Dec. 30, 2011

(2011.12.21) <와인 두 병과 보라색 꽃다발 》•나흘 전 12월21일은 제 생일이었습니다.
•그날 저녁식사에 대해서 간단히 써 보겠습니다.
•아들이 퇴근 길에 포도주 두 병과 보라색 꽃다발을 사왔습니다. 그리고 남편은 미역국을 끓였습니다.
•한국에서는 어머니가 아기를 낳으면 한동안은 미역국을 먹어야 합니다.
•그건 미역국이 산모의 건강회복과 아기의 수유에 도움이 되기 때문이라 합니다.
•그리고 이유는 잘 모르겠지만 생일날에도 미역국을 먹습니다.
•아무튼 미역국이 몸에 좋은 건 분명합니다. 엄마가 낳아 준 날을 기념하기 위해서일까요?
•그건 그렇고 우리 세 식구는 내 생일날 미역국을 먹고 포도주를 마셨습니다.
•오늘 사진은 그 날 식탁 위에 둔 포도주와 꽃다발입니다.
•아, 그러고 보니 미역국을 찍지 않았군요. 깜박했네요.
(*일기를 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다.)

Jan. 8, 2012

Thank you very much, moarplease!
I`m so happy to listen your recording.