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English Audio Request

253 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments

《Could you check this out, please。 》(Dec.13th 2011)
• Everyone, good evening! I`m here in Beijing, China.
• I just arrived at noon today.
• I came back to the hotel a little while ago, and wrote a short entry in Chinese.
• (Just a moment ago, I came back to the hotel, then wrote a short Chinese entry. )
• I also rewrote my entry from the day before yesterday, shown below.
• Just the entry below is that.
• I feel I made a lot of mistakes.
• . Would you correct my mistakes, please?
(Dec.11th 2011)
• Hello, friends! Are you enjoying your Sunday night / evening?
• I went to a beauty salon today, late in the afternoon.
• Recently (I have been feeling the need to) cut my hair, but I couldn`t go since I was lazy.
• I finally had my hair cut short today.
• I have been wearing my hair short since a long time, because it`s easier to manage (for me).
• Making up / Doing my hair and maintaining a nice hairstyle isn`t easy for me.
• Wow…when I entered that hair salon, I found there were a lot of customers.
Is it because it's the end of the year?
• And, all of hairdressers were wearing* a cute red woolen hat, so I took some quick pictures.
• After I had my hair cut, I bought a banana and tangerines came back home.
(Thanks for reading, and thanks for correcting. )



Dec. 16, 2011

친구 여러분, 모두 즐거운 일요일 밤을 보내고 계신가요?
저는 오늘 늦은 오후에 미용실에 갔답니다.
요즘 머리를 잘라야 하는데 계속 가지 못했답니다. 제가 좀 게을러서 말이지요.
그래서 마침내 오늘은 머리를 짧게 정리했습니다.
저는 짧은 머리가 편해서, 오랫동안 머리를 짧게 해 왔습니다. 제가 머리 손질을 잘 못하거든요.
와~~그런데, 미용실에 들어 가니 손님들이 정말 많았어요. 연말이어서 그런걸까요?
미용사들이 모두 귀여운 빨간 털모자를 쓰고 있더군요. 그래서 얼른 사진 몇장을 찍었습니다.
머리를 정리 하고 나서, 바나나와 귤을 사서 집으로 돌아 왔습니다.

Dec. 25, 2011

cavinsays ,Thank you very much!

Dec. 25, 2011

cavinsays ,Thank you very much!


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