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English Audio Request

207 Words / 2 Recordings / 9 Comments

Hi,everyone!It`s late afternoon during the fall on a Sunday /(It`s late afternoon on a Sunday.)The following is my entry from my Chinese entry a year ago and now I`m trying write it in English. I feel I made so many mistakes.If you find any correct them please.★Thanks for reading!★
(Sep 2nd. 2010) A little while ago, I read these '잰말 놀이' by accident.
These are not a Chinese Raokouring, it is Korean style wordplay
Of course , even for a Korean it's not easy to read / speak / talk well fastly. So most of them burst out laughing when their tongue used to go wrong.So most of them are used to laughing when their tongue used to go wrong. So most of they are used to burst laughting when their tongue used to go wrong. If you are learning Korean now, then yuo can also try to once speak?/talk?/ read?/ .How is it Is it OK? How are you holding up?
*Today`s pictures:
The first picture: fall trees in a parking place, 
The second picture:soem fallen leaves on a car
The third picture:soem fallen leaves under my feet
If you are learning Korean now, then you can also try to speak once / talk / read.


  • (2010.11.2)한국식 잰말놀이/ Korean style wordplay ( recorded by Martin ), Scottish (mainly Glasgow)

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  • (2010.11.2)한국식 잰말놀이/ Korean style wordplay ( recorded by Martin ), Scottish (mainly Glasgow)

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Oct. 31, 2011

(2010.11.2.화요일)방금 전 우연히 아래의 한국식 잰말놀이를 보았어요.
이건 중국의 코우링이 아니고 한국식 잰말놀이입니다.
당연히 한국 사람도 빨리 발음 하기에 그리 쉽지 않지요.
그래서 빨리 말하려다가 혀가 꼬여서 대부분 사람들이 웃고 만답니다.
만약에 여러분도 한국어를 배우신다면 한번 해 보셔요.
어떠세요? 괜찮으세요?/할 만 하세요?
Korean Audio=>

Oct. 31, 2011

내가 그린 구름 그림은 새털 구름 그린 그림이고,네가 그린 구름 그림은 솜털 구름 그린 그림이다.korean audio=>
간장공장 공장장은 강 공장장이고, 된장 공장 공장장은 장 공장장이다. korean audio=>

Oct. 31, 2011

第一张:在停车场的红叶,第二张:在车上落下来的几张红叶, 第三张:在脚下边的几张红叶.

Nov. 1, 2011

Hi Bangbang,
The text was a bit confusing to read , so I found your Chinese entry on Lang-8 and tried to translate that. I hope you find this helpful:

Hi everyone!
It's a late sunday afternoon in Autumn. The following is my Chinese entry from a year ago. I think I made a lot of mistakes. If you find any, pease correct them. Thanks for reading! (Sep 2nd. 2010) .

Just a moment ago, I happened to read the folowing tongue-twister.
It's not a Chinese tongue-twister. It's a Korean one.
Of course it's not easy for Koreans to read out either.
If you say it quickly, your tongue can get tied into a knot, so saying it makes you burst out laughing.
So reading it aloud makes you feel silly.
If you are also studying Korean, then just try to read it aloud. How did it go? Can you do it?

Today's pictures:
Autumn leaves in a car park.
Some Autumn leaves that landed on a car.
Some Autumn leaves under my feet.

Nov. 1, 2011

Oh, I should mention, sometimes I said something a different way, because it felt more natural to me, not because your version was wrong.

Nov. 1, 2011

Do you know this one?

She sells seashells by the seashore, and the shells that she sells are seashells, I'm sure.

Nov. 1, 2011

Oh, Martin!!!
I feel you are really kind languge firend. (((^_________________^))

I`m a beginner in English, just need firend`s help, and it`s (your correction and recording) really really helpful for my learning.

Thanks agian!


Nov. 3, 2011

I'm glad you liked it. It was interesting to read your Chinese. I learned some new words.

Nov. 4, 2011

Martin,I'm so happy you read my Chinese entry. I'm learning Chinese as well. It's very interesting for me. I'll keep writing ChInese entry as well if you like it.(((^_______________^))


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