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English Audio Request

384 Words / 1 Recordings / 7 Comments

(Oct 07th 2011 00:01 )• I reread and rewrote two of my entries from last year.If you find that I have other mistakes, correct them please. ☆ THANK YOU VERY MUCH!☆(Oct 05th 2010 01:18 ) The following entry is what I wrote in Chinese this evening before I stepped out.(or "before stepping out.") And now that I am back home, I am trying to write it in English.- 《 Why DID Korean championS became crazy???*-*/ 》 I found the below news item yesterday on the Internet. I thought that it was so funny I would like to share it with you (here). They are a great championship team who became the FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup champions , but on the other hand they are cute and lovely girls too.A funny thing happened at a luncheon yesterday at the Cheongwadae(the presidential house or the Blue House. They forgot they were having lunch with the President and became crazy ( /=went crazy/)when they saw the Korean group Shinee. Haha~~~ The Korean President also couldn't do anything but laugh. By doing this the champions showed that they were also young girls who became star struck in the presence of their idols. Acording to the news reports, the presidential couple and the other attendees just smiled and laughed as the girls were carried away with joy. And what's more, the President's final comments were omitted. According to the article, they were the most brave and plain guests among those who had been invited to the Cheongwadae.

=(Oct 04th 2010 )=I will write my entry today very briefly because I have to go out as soon as possible..(or/because I have to go out in about ten minutes. ” )Therefore, I will briefly explain today`s pictures to everyone.Wow~~ Today I went to the same  third grade class that I went to last Monday. They were so glad when they met me again, and how was I ? Sure, I was so happy to meet them, too. Well….., we sang a song together. Aha~ the third picture?  Yeah~ it`s a picture of me washing my car. On my way home/On the way home/, I stopped by at an automatic car wash.+Today recording? Well~~~ after I came back home I will record it .~ is Korean. Everyone, please wait for me.


  • (2011 10.7) Why DID Korean championS became crazy???*-*/ ( recorded by Martin ), Scottish (mainly Glasgow)

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Oct. 9, 2011

(2010.10.1)아래는 제가 인터넷에서 본 뉴스인데, 너무 재미 있어서 여러분께 보여 드리려고 가져 왔습니다.비록 그들은 세계여자 축구대회에서 챔피언을 획득한 위대한 운동 선수들이지만,한편으로 또한 귀여운 여학생들입니다.이것은 바로 어제 그들이 대통령과의 점심식사 모임에서 일어 났던 일입니다.하하..그들은 한국 가수 ‘샤이니’를 보자 마자 그만 너무 흥분하고 열광하여, 대통령과의 오찬임도 다 잊어 버린겁니다.하하..대통령도 어쩔 수 없었지요….그들 역시 아이돌에 열광하는 어린 여자아이이들임을 인정해야지요.보도에 의하면, 대통령 부부및 기타 참석자들은 그저 하하~ 웃으며 좋아서 어쩔줄 모르는 그 모습들을 바라 봤다고 합니다.게다가 대통령의 마무리 발언도 생략했다고 합니다.보도에 의하면 청와대로 초청된 손님중 그녀들이 제일 겁없고 솔직한 젊은 손님들이었다고 합니다.

Oct. 9, 2011
Oct. 9, 2011

((2010.10.4.월 )오늘 일기는 아주 간단하게 쓸게요. 왜냐하면 제가 10분내로 나가야 하거든요.그래서 오늘 사진에 대해서 간단히 설명만 해 드릴게요.와~~저는 지난주 월요일에 갔던 그 3학년 교실로 오늘 다시 가게 되었답니다. 아이들은 나를 보자 너무 기뻐했어요. 저요? 당연히 저도 무척 기뻤지요^^/그~래~서~~~….우리들은 오늘 아래의 노래를 불렀답니다.여러분도 함께 불러 보시면 어떨까요?아–세 번째 사진요? 제가 귀가 길에 자동차 세차기안으로 들어간 거예요.,,지금 세차 중이랍니다. + 오늘 녹음요? 녹음은 밤 늦게 귀가 한 후 할게요. 여러분, 그럼 기다려 주셔요^^+ Korean audio->

Oct. 9, 2011

Why DID Korean championS became crazy
- I changed this to :
Why did Korean champions BECOME crazy
(after"did" , the other verb keeps it's present tense form)
A: I TOLD her you would come and help tomorrow.
B: Eh? why did you TELL her that?

At the end, I changed "after I came back home I will record it " to:
after I get back home I will record it .."
- so that both verbs are future tense.
Hope this is useful.

Oct. 10, 2011

下边的新闻是我从网上看到的, 觉得挺有意思。
哈哈~~~她们刚一看韩国歌星‘shiny‘就变得非常兴奋, 马上开始疯狂了起来,完全忘记了当时正在和韩国总统吃午餐。

Oct. 10, 2011

((2010.10.4.월 ) 我想非常简单地写出今天的日记。因为我快要出去了,大概10分钟之内就要出发了。因此, 我想给你们简单地介绍今天的照片。哇~~今天我又去上星期一去过的那个三年级班了。他们一看到我就都很高兴,我呢? 当然,我也很开心了。。^.^/所以,我们今天唱了下边的歌。你们也一起唱一唱,怎么样? 啊~~第三张照片?是我回家的时候,我开车到自动洗车机里去……正在洗车呢!正在洗车呢。。。+今天的录音呢 ?~~我今晚回家后再做吧,请你们等一等^^+

Martin, Thnk you very much!
Your recording is very helful for my lerning English.
Have a good time!

Oct. 10, 2011

for my learning English


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