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English Audio Request

217 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments

(Oct 07th 2010 ) I have some topics that I would like to share with you, but this time I feel a little tired. Today I`ve been a little busy. (=I’ve been kind of busy.)In the morning I went out, and came back home in the evening, I had to go out again.Therefore this time/now I will just talk about this, and tomorrow I will talk again.Oh, One more! The following entry is what I wrote on Wednesday. (=The entry below is my entry from Wednesday. But I am not sure if there`s any other mistakes, so would/could you check this, please?
~(Oct 6th 2010)~ Wow~ This evening I found out my little pair of fish had fish had a baby fish。。//(= This evening, I discovered that my pair of fish had a baby fish./=Lately I have been really busy so I could not take care of them very well. (* I only have one pair little fish.) This evening,when I came back home and I fed my fish, I could see a very small fish swimming. It had a very bright colored body, and was shorter than 5mm. I was so glad, but I felt it`s a little strange that I didn’t know that my fish was pregnant. Anyway, I hope it will be grow well.



Oct. 8, 2011

The original is a little messy, so I recorded a cleaned up and corrected version for you. I hope this helps.

(Oct 7th 2010 I have some topics that I would like to share with you, but this time I feel a little tired. Today I've been a little busy. In the morning I went out, and came back home in the evening, I had to go out again. Therefore this time I will just talk about this, and tomorrow I will talk again. Oh, one more! The following entry is what I wrote on Wednesday.

(Oct 6th 2010) ~Wow~ This evening, I discovered that my pair of fish had a baby fish. Lately I have been really busy so I could not take care of them very well. (I only have one pair of little fish). This evening, when I came back home and I fed my fish, I could see a very small fish swimming. It had a very bright colored body, and was shorter than 5mm. I was so glad, but I felt a little strange that I didn’t know that my fish was pregnant. Anyway, I hope it will grow well.

Oct. 8, 2011

THANK YOU,neofight78! ~
And THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your corrction my entry ! ^.^/
Your recording is very nice and good!



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