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English Audio Request

226 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments

(Oct 5th 2011)Last week I didn`t write any English entries.This time I`m rewriting an English entry from a year ago. Please look out for my mistakes out and correct. If you have more natural expressions, please let me know.☆THANK YOU FOR READING!☆
(Sep 30th 2010) It’s getting very late. But I will (I want to) show you some of my pictures.
1- The first picture : Look at the first picture.Sigh~~ How is it? Does it look delicious?This was a blunder I made on this morning.
2-THE 2ND AND 3RD picture
■ ”They are kids whom I have spent most of today with. “(“They are kids with whom I will spent spend most of today.”)( ”These are the kids with whom I spent the most time today. “)
Of course, should I be thankful for them?Because I feel good being with them.Look at those kids faces, there were some frowning faces, puzzled looks, funny faces, and also clenched fists .Don't they look adorable/interesting?Are you curious as to ‘what were they doing ?’Haha~~ They were excited about singing a song called “goblin pants”.” Goblin pants is strong , tough~ and strong~”
” Goblin pants is soiled, smelly and soiled~~”They were earnestly singing, complete with hand motions.Even usually mischievous kids also joined in the singing, just this time ….Of course, I sang along cheerfully with them as well.



Oct. 5, 2011

《今天的照片》 오늘 사진

 哈哈~~你们觉得怎么样? 好不好吃? 今天早晨我做的事情就是这样。。。。。。/*。*/
2-第二/三张照片:  我跟这些孩子们渡过了今天的一部分时间。
请你们看看他们的表情。 /︿*︿/是不是很有意思?
有些孩子们在紧绷着脸,有些孩子们在哈哈笑,有些孩子们把拳头握得紧紧的。。。(紧蹙[jǐncù]一般指的是眉毛 紧蹙双眉)
哈哈~~大家正在兴奋地唱着“鬼怪 [guǐguài]的内裤“ 呢~~~
“鬼怪 [guǐguài]的内裤又结实[jiē shi]又坚硬[jiān yìng]~~
“鬼怪 [guǐguài]的内裤又脏又臭~~~
他们很认真地玩手势 [shǒu shì]唱。。。。

Oct. 5, 2011

시간이 많이 늦었어요.
그렇지만 잠자리에 들기 전에, 제가 찍은 사진 몇 장을 잠깐 소개 해 드릴께요.

1- 첫 번째 사진을 보세요.
하하~~휴유~~ 여러분 어떠세요? 맛있어 보이세요?
오늘 아침에 제가 저지른 일이랍니다.(실수랍니다.)

2-두 번째와 세 번째 사진:
제가 오늘의 일부를 함께 보낸 아이들입니다.
이 아이들이 제게 비록 짧은 순간이나마 활력을 주니, 그들에게 감사해야겠지요?
아이들의 표정을 한번 살펴 보세요.
재미있지 않으세요?
어떤 아이들은 온 인상을 쓰고 있고, 어떤 아이들은 하하 웃으며, 어떤 아이들은 주먹을 불끈 움켜 쥐고 있지요….,

그 아이들이 무엇을 하고 있는 거냐고요?
하하~~ 지금 신나서 “도깨비 팬티” 노래를 부르고 있는 중이랍니다.
“도깨비 팬티는 튼튼해요, 질기고요..튼튼해요..”
“도깨비 팬티는 더러워요,,,,냄새 나고 더러워요..”
열심히 손 동작을 하며 노래를 부르고 있답니다.
평소 정말 개구장이인 아이들도 이때만은 온통 몰입합니다.~~몰입~몰입!
물론 저도 신나게 함께 불렀답니다!
도깨비 팬티는 。。。^___________^;;???Goblin pants ???

Oct. 7, 2011

arexroat, THANK YOU!


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