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English Audio Request

395 Words / 1 Recordings / 8 Comments

–(Sep 25th 2010. Sat))Hi everybody, How are you? Today is Saturday.And finally, Chuseok(Korean traiditional Holiday) is over, right?
On Chuseok that day, I went to my husband`s oldest brother`s house and had a ancestor-memorial services with my husband`s 5 brothers`s familes.
Then in the late afternoon I went to my parents `s house with my husband.(and took my 2 dogs named ‘Betty’and ‘Zzang-A’)
My sister`s family came at the same time. (and brought her 1 dog, named Konan’)
So we had a dinner with my mom and dad together.
Then where were my two brothers`s families ?
Haha ~~They also had to go to see their wife`s parents.
Don`t you think so? So it`s fair. Fair’s fair! !) ((((^__^)))
Wife`s parents are called ‘ parents-in-law’ right?
Fair’s fair?
When celebrating a Korean holiday, usually, in the morning the wife visits husband’s family and celebrates ancestor-memorial services with with her in-laws(family of husband), then in the late afternoon the husband visits to his wife´s old home see wife`s parents (parents-in-law)with wife.
How is it? Does it seem fair?
After I returned to my house, yesterday I went to bed very early, and had a very deep sleep.
This morning when I got up I felt very clear.
Probably during these days I had been a lack of sleep.
Anyway when I ate brunch, the blue and clean sky was seen through the window.
Wow ~~ How Clean! How Nice! How Beautiful IT IS!
We decided to go out, so I carried inline-skates on my back and took Betty and Zzang-a with my husband.
How beautiful, how precious the fresh air!
Even though the sunlight dazzled my eyes a tittle, the air was so clean and fresh, it made me feel so refreshed in mind and body.
The weather Like today, it has been a long time, really.
Wa ~~~ ~~~~ When I raised my head and looked at sky, there were white fleecy clouds, it looked like a fairy-tale world, it was a distinctive[romantic] atmosphere.
My husband had walked along the river with Betty, and I had inline-skated with Zzang-A.
Because Betty is old so walking is better for her, on the other hand Zzang-a is a young dog, of course he prefers running and jumping over walking.

•By the way I took some pictures. *^-^*
•*^-^*Thank you for your reading.Please correct my mistakes *^.


  • (2010.9.21)One day before ChuSek 추석 하루 전입니다 ( recorded by Peter ), American English

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Sept. 25, 2011

今天是星期六。 中秋节终于结束了。 在中秋节当天我在丈夫的大哥家(婆家)跟丈夫的5个哥哥的家人在一起 祭拜[jìbài]了祖先,然后晚上回我父母家(娘家)。
正好我妹妹的家人也来了。 我们跟爸妈一起吃了晚饭。
那么,我的两个弟弟的家人都去哪里呢? 哈哈~是,是的!
他门也得去自己的外家呢。 这样才公平呢。 是不是?
妻子的家用汉语叫 ‘岳父母[yuèmǔjiā] ’,是吗?
这样差不多了吧~~: 妻子,丈夫 过节日的安排要公平。
不管怎么样,今天上午我们吃饭的时候 看见了窗外的天空,哇~~!!!
多么好! 真好!多么干净! 多么漂亮!
我背着旱冰鞋跟丈夫带着betty 和zzang-a赶紧出门了。
天气多么好呀! 虽然太阳有点刺眼,不过空气这么干净这么爽快!
我先生带着betty 沿着一条小河(安阳川)继续往前走,我呢 一边带着 zzang-a 一边滑着旱冰鞋走了。
因为betty比以前老多了 还是跟着我丈夫走走比较好。
不过zzang-a呢? 它呀~~︿o︿/还是个年轻的儿子狗,更喜欢跑,因此愿意跟着我的旱冰鞋跑步.
我拍了几张照片给你们看看 ‘今天的天空’ ‘在小河边散步的人们’正在运动中的孩子们’。。。。。

Sept. 25, 2011

오늘은 토요일입니다. 마침내 추석은 끝났고요.추석날엔 큰집(남편 튼 형님 집)에 가서 다섯분 형님 댁 가족과 함께 차례를 지내고, 저녁에는 친정(아내의 부모님 집)에 갔습니다.마침 여동생 가족도 와서 엄마 아버지와 함께 저녁을 먹었습니다.
하ㅏㅎ~~ 그러면 남동생 가족은 어디에 갔느냐고요? 하하~~네, 그렇습니다!남동생들도 처갓집에 가야지요. 아내의 친정 집을 ‘처갓집’이라고 하지요?이렇게 하면 공평한가요? 아내와 남편이 명절을 보내는데 말이지요.일반적으로 오전에는 아내가 남편과 시댁에 차례를 지내고, 오후에는 아내를 따라 남편이 처갓집에 가서 장인 장모를 뵈면 , 공평하지 않겠어요?이럴게 저는 그저께 친정에서 하룻밤을 자고 집으로 돌아 와서 일찍 잠자리에 들었답니다.오늘 아침 일어나니 아주 오랫동안 잠을 잔 느낌이었어요. 아마도 요 며칠간 잠을 제대로 못 잤기 때문인지 어제는 아주 숙면을 한 듯 합니다.어찌 되었든, 오늘 아침에 식사 후 창 밖을 보니 와~~~~!!! 날씨가 얼마나 좋은지!
역시 밖으로 나가 산책을 하기로 했답니다.나는 오랜만에 인라인을 메고 남편과 베티&짱이를 데리고 문을 나섰답니다.공기가 얼마나 좋은지!
비록 햇살에 눈이 좀 부셨지만, 공기가 정말 맑고 깨끗하여 상쾌하기 그지 없었습니다.정말 오랜만이었습니다.와~~~~ 고개를 들어 하늘을 보니 파아란 하늘에 흰 구름이 마치 동화 속 이야기의 배경 마냥 낭만적인 분위기였습니다.남편은 베티를 데리고 안양천을 따라 걷고, 나는 인라인을 탄 채로 짱아를 데리고 달렸습니다.왜냐하면 베티는 이제 나이가 들어 아무래도 걷는 것이 편하거던요.그럼 , 짱아는요?짱아는 아직 어리거든요. 역시 달리고 뛰는것을 훨씬 더 좋아합니다.그러니 당연히 인라인 타는 나를 따라 달리는 것을 훨씬 더 좋아 하지요!사진 몇장을 찍었습니다. 오늘 하늘과 안양천을 따라서 걷는 사람들, 운동중인 아이들…등등.Korean Audio>

Sept. 26, 2011

I made some corrections as I recorded, but did not correct every little mistake. I just tried to read it as naturally as I could.

Sept. 27, 2011

THANK YOU peater^.^/

Sept. 27, 2011

Oh, sorry "Peter"!

Oct. 2, 2011

Hi everybody, How are you? Today is Saturday. And finally, Chusek(Korean traditional Holiday) is over, right?On Chusek that day, I went to my husband`s oldest brother`s house and had a ancestor-memorial services with my husband`s 5 brothers` families. Then in the late afternoon I went to my parents `s house with my husband and took my 2 dogs named ‘Betty’and ‘Zzang-A’.My sister`s family came at the same time and brought her dog named Konan’.We had a dinner with my mom and dad together.Then where were my two brothers’ families?Haha ~~They also had to go to see their wife`s parents.Don`t you think so? So it`s fair. Fair’s fair! !) o((((^___________________^)))o

Oct. 2, 2011

Wife`s parents are called ‘ parents-in-law’ right? Fair’s fair? When celebrating a Korean holiday, usually, in the morning the wife visits husband’s family and celebrates ancestor-memorial services with her in-laws(family of husband), then in the late afternoon the husband visits to his wife´s old home see wife`s parents (parents-in-law)with his wife. How is it? Does it seem fair? After I returned to my house, yesterday I went to bed very early, and had a very deep sleep.This morning when I got up I felt very clear. Probably during these days I had a lack of sleep. Anyway when I ate brunch, the blue and clean sky was seen through the window.

Oct. 2, 2011

Wow ~~ How Clean! How Nice! How Beautiful IT IS!We decided to go out, so I carried inline-skates on my back and took Betty and Zzang-a with my husband.How beautiful, how precious the fresh air! Even though the sunlight dazzled my eyes a little, the air was so clean and fresh, it made me feel so refreshed in mind and body.The weather like today, it has been a long time,really.When I raised my head and looked at sky, there were white fleecy clouds, it looked like a fairy-tale world, it was a distinctive[romantic] atmosphere.My husband had walked along the river with Betty, and I had inline-skated with Zzang-A.Why?Because Betty is old so walking is better for her, on the other hand Zzang-a is a young dog, of course he prefers running and jumping over walking.•By the way I took some pictures. *^-^*


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