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English Audio Request

153 Words / 1 Recordings / 7 Comments

–(Sep 20th 2011 23:08 )I took today’s pictures with my smart phone, when I was on the way home today.The first picture is one of sky which I took at about 4:30pm at school.The second is one of sky which I took on the road in a car.The third picture is an evening glow in my room.Doesn’t the western sky light up with the glow of the setting sun? At here lang-8 , it was limited for uploading pictures, thus I uploaded the other pictures of today’s sky on my blog.
( = This site lang-8 has a limit for uploading pictures, thus I uploaded the other pictures of today’s sky on my blog.)(= Since uploading pictures was limited, I uploaded the other pictures of today sky on my blog. )
All of those are the sky which I took today evening.(= All of ones I took this evening are of the sky.)


  • (2011.9.20)TODAY`s SKY -on the way home ( recorded by Pasokon ), Midwestern American English, Neutral Spanish

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Sept. 21, 2011

(2011.9.20) 오늘 사진은 제가 집에 오는 길에 스마트폰으로 찍은 것입니다.
첫 번째 사진은 4:30분경 학교에서 찍은 하늘입니다.두 번째 사진은 집에 오는 길, 자동차 안에서 찍은 하늘이고요,세 번째는 집에서 찍은 저녁 노을입니다.서쪽 하늘이 노을로 붉게 타고 있지요?
여기서는 사진을 많이 올리지 못하므로 다른 사진들은 제 블러그에 올렸습니다. 모두 제가 찍은 오늘 저녁 하늘입니다.

Sept. 23, 2011

I tried to rewrite as your recording, but I`m not sure if I made other mistkaes. *.*/Would you let me know them?

–(Sep 20th 2011 23:08 )-
I took today’s pictures with my smart phone, when I was ON MY WAY HOME FROM WORK.
The first picture is sky which I took at about 4:30pm at school.
The second one I took on the road in a car.
The third picture is an evening glow in my room.
Doesn’t the western sky light up with the glow of the setting sun?

At lang-8 I have picuture of load limit, thus I uploaded the other pictures (of today’s sky )on my blog.

(= Since uploading pictures was limited, I uploaded the other pictures of today sky on my blog. )

Sept. 23, 2011

–(Sep 20th 2011 23:08 )-
I took today’s pictures with my smart phone, when I was ON MY WAY HOME FROM WORK.
The first picture is THE sky which I took at about 4:30pm at school.
The second one I took on the road in a car.
The third picture is an evening glow in my room.
Doesn’t the western sky light up with the glow of the setting sun?

At lang-8 I have picuture of load limit, thus I uploaded the other pictures on my blog.

Sept. 23, 2011

Glad to help. You mean, "upload limit".

Sept. 24, 2011

☆Oh, I SEE! THANKS^.^Pasokon!! ☆
–(Sep 20th 2011 23:08 )-
I took today’s pictures with my smart phone, when I was ON MY WAY HOME FROM WORK.
The first picture is THE sky which I took at about 4:30pm at school.
The second one I took on the road in a car.
The third picture is an evening glow in my room.
Doesn’t the western sky light up with the glow of the setting sun?

At lang-8 I have picuture of UPLOAD limit, thus I uploaded the other pictures on my blog.

Sept. 24, 2011

Try "At Lang-8 I have a picture upload limit" or "a cap on uploading pictures".

Sept. 25, 2011

, Thank you VERY MUCH!


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