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English Audio Request

363 Words / 1 Recordings / 8 Comments

Hi everyone, how`s your fall weekend going ? I've been resting/ relaxing at home。The entry below is my Chinese entry from yesterday,(=The entry below is yesterday's Chinese entry.),and this time I'm going to try to write it in English even though it's not easy for me.
Thus I know that I'll make a lot of mistakes, but I will still try to/attempt to write it once for my pleasure of learning . ☆ Please correct my mistakes.☆ THANK YOU FOR READING AND thank you for helping me!)----(Sep 17th 2011)Today/ This time/ I`m uploading some pictures of a menu of a restaurant near my house, and some food/dishes/ that my family ate/had there . These are pictures which I took when we three family members ate dinner there the day after Chusek (Korean Thanksgiving). (=These are pictures which I took when my family members and I had dinner there on the day after Chusek (Korean Thanksgiving ) These are the pictures I took on the day after Chusek (Korean Thanksgiving) when we three family members had/ate/ dinner there. On this occasion I WILL briefly introduce I will briefly introduce Korean "샤브샤브/Shabu-shabu” and “보쌈/bossam" to everyone.
As you can see through the picture I took of the menu's pictures,
this restaurant sells//serves 냉면/naengmyeon; (Korean cold noodles) , ‘만두/dumpling’,‘찐만두/steamed dumpling’,‘샤브샤브/Shabu-shabu]/)’and ‘보쌈/bossam‘
• Shabu-shabu is a kind of dish in which thinly sliced beef and vegetables are blanched in boiling water then eaten together. But I don`t know how to say '보쌈/bossam ' in Chinese. That day my family ate a "샤브샤브/Shabu-shabu" and "보쌈/bossam" combo。 Korean Shabu-shabu conforms to Chinese "火锅Huo-gu ". We blanch[parboil] thinly sliced beef meat and vegetables in boiling water and eat.However I don`t know how to say 'Bossam' in Chinese. The main ingredient of 'Bossam' is boiled pork meat/pig meat. We usually rap thinly sliced pork meat up with Korean Bosam-Gimchi and then eat it. After we're done eating (=After having ) the Shabu-shabu and Bossam, we put noodles in that Shabu-shabu's soup and eat it too. And lastly( /Finally),we make/cook/ rice porridge using that Shabu-shabu soup. Thus, we finished eating heartily, walked leisurely/slowly back home while enjoying the cool fall evening breeze.


  • 2011.9.17)샤브샤브/Shabu-shabu” and "보쌈/bossam "(2) ( recorded by Ross ), US - Northeast

    Download Unlock


Sept. 20, 2011

오늘은 우리 집 근처 식당의 메뉴판과 그곳에서 먹은 음식 사진을 올립니다.
이것은 추석 다음날 우리 가족 세명이 그 식당에서 저녁을 먹을 때 찍은 것입니다.
이 기회에 여러분께 한국의 “샤브샤브”와 "보쌈"에 대해 아주 간단히 소개하겠습니다.
여러분도 이 메뉴판에서 보면 아시겠지만, 이 식당에서는 '냉면’, '만두’,‘찐만두’,‘샤브샤브)’그리고‘보쌈‘을 팝니다 。
그날 우리는 '샤브샤브와 보쌈 세트'를 먹었습니다.
한국의 “샤브샤브”는 중국의 火锅”에 해당된다고 할 수 있으며,
이는 쇠고기를 얇게 썰어 각종 야채와 끓는 육수에 데쳐 먹는 것입니다.
그런데 한국의 "보쌈"은 중국어로 뭐라고 불러야 할지 잘 모르겠네요.
주재료는 돼지 고기이며, 돼지고기를 삶은 후 얇게 썰어 보쌈김치에 싸서 먹는 것입니다.
우리는 샤브샤브와 보쌈을 먹고 나면 이 국물에 국수를 끓여 먹고, 마지막에는 죽을 만들어 먹습니다.

이렇게 우리 세식구는 배부르게 먹고 나서, 가을밤의 바람을 쐬며 천천히 걸어서 집으로 돌아 왔습니다.
Korean Audio>>

Sept. 22, 2011

Note: The following is the text which I read:

Hi everyone, how`s your fall weekend going ? I've been relaxing at home。The entry below is my Chinese entry from yesterday, and this time I'm going to try to write it in English even though it isn't not easy for me.

Thus I know that I'll make a lot of mistakes, but I will still try to write it once for my pleasure of learning . ☆ Please correct my mistakes.☆ THANK YOU FOR READING AND thank you for helping me!) -(Sep 17th 2011)

This time I`m uploading some pictures of a menu from a restaurant near my house, and some food that my family had there . These are pictures which I took when the three members of my family ate dinner there the day after Chusek (Korean Thanksgiving).


Sept. 22, 2011

On this occasion I will briefly introduce Korean "Shabu-shabu” and “bossam" to everyone.

As you can see through the picture I took of the menu's pictures,
this restaurant serves 'naengmyeon' (Korean cold noodles) , 'dumpling', 'steamed dumpling’,‘Shabu-shabu' and ‘bossam‘


Sept. 22, 2011

• Shabu-shabu is a kind of dish in which thinly sliced beef and vegetables are blanched in boiling water then eaten together. But I don`t know how to say '보쌈/bossam ' in Chinese.

That day my family ate a "샤브샤브/Shabu-shabu" and "보쌈/bossam" combo。 Korean Shabu-shabu conforms to Chinese "火锅Huo-gu ". We blanch thinly sliced beef and vegetables in boiling water and eat. However I don`t know how to say 'Bossam' in Chinese. The main ingredient of 'Bossam' is boiled pork. We usually wrap thinly sliced pork up with Korean Bosam-Gimchi and then eat it. After having the Shabu-shabu and Bossam, we put noodles in that Shabu-shabu's soup and eat it too. And lastly we cook rice porridge using that Shabu-shabu soup. Thus, we finished eating heartily, walked leisurely back home while enjoying the cool fall evening breeze.


Sept. 23, 2011


韩国的“火锅/샤브샤브”和 "猪肉片包/보쌈"。
• 今天我上传了我家旁边一家餐厅的菜单和在那里我们吃的东西/菜.
• 这是中秋节第二天晚上 我们一家三口去那家餐厅吃晚餐的时候拍的。
• 趁这个机会我想给大家简单介绍点韩国的“샤브샤브”和 "보쌈"。

• 正如大家在“菜单”里的照片上所看到的,那家餐厅卖的是‘冷面(냉면)’‘饺子(만두)’‘包子(찐만두)’和‘火锅(샤브샤브)’和‘보쌈(猪肉片包)‘。
• 当天我家三个人吃的是“火锅(샤브샤브)’和‘보쌈(猪肉片包)”套餐。韩国的“샤브샤브”相当于中国的“火锅”。
• 这是吃的时候把薄薄地切(/切得很薄)的牛肉片和各种蔬菜一起放在开水里烫熟以后吃。。
• 不过我不知道韩国的"보쌈"用中文怎么说。
• 主要材料是猪肉。把猪肉炖熟以后切片,然后跟褓[bǎo] 包泡菜一起包着吃。
• 我们吃完“火锅(샤브샤브)”’和”보쌈(猪肉片包)“后,在“火锅(샤브샤브)”的这汤水里再煮面条吃,然后最后再做粥吃。
• 我们三个人都吃饱后,吹着/乘着秋夜里的微风,慢慢走路回家了。


Sept. 23, 2011

★ Chinese Audio (MP3) 帮帮的朗读练习 ~♪

Sept. 24, 2011

You're welcome! :)


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