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English Audio Request

200 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments

(Sep 13th 2011 ) Hi, everyone, How are you all?It`s been a long time. Yes, long time no see. I didn`t write English entries for a while / several days. By the way, the entry below is my Chinese entry from yesterday. I`ve been busy for a while, but today I could (finally) come here and write today`s entry. So I reread last year's entries, and rewrote them. But I feel that writing (such an) entry in English is not easy yet, so I`ll just simply talk about some videos which I took yesterday.
All of those videos were that I took were with my smart phone on Korean thanksgiving day, ChuSek. The first video is one that I took in "the West Seoul lake park". When airplane fly over, those fountains start spouting, because those fountains are started by airplane noise. When airplne fly those fountains are spo ting, becasue those fountains are acted by airplane noise. It` s so fun and nice idea!
And the other videos are also taken in Seoul. I hope it will help your understanding Seoul even a little
=I hope it will help your understanding of what Seoul is really like. Good night!


  • 2011.9.12)Videos ‘what Seoul is really like’& 추석/中秋节/Korean thanksgiving day, ChuSek ( recorded by Pasokon ), Midwestern American English, Neutral Spanish

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Sept. 16, 2011

☆ THANK YOU ALWAYS, "Pasokon"!☆

Sept. 17, 2011

 ☆Pasokon"!☆
THANK YOU for your fix and recording.☆

(Sep 13th 2011 )
Hi, everyone, How are you?
It`s been a long time. Yes, long time no see.
I didn`t write English entries for a while / several days.
By the way, the entry below is yesterday`s Chinese entry.
I`ve been busy for a while, but today I could finally come here and write today`s entry.

So I reread last year's entries, and rewrote them.
But I feel that writing (such an) entry in English is not easy yet,
So I`ll just simply talk about some videos which I took yesterday.

I took these videos with my smart phone on Korean thanksgiving day, ChuSek.
The first video was one I took at "the West Seoul lake park".
When airplanes fly over, those fountains begin spouting, because they are started by airplane noise.
It` s so fun and nice idea!

The other videos are also taken in Seoul.
I hope it will help your understanding of what Seoul is really like. Good night!