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English Audio Request

446 Words / 2 Recordings / 7 Comments

Hi, How is everyone all? I am rewriting my entry from last year, but I`m not sure if I have any other mistkes. Please check out and correct them, please. THANK YOU!

(Sep 04th 2010 2:48 )<a blunder > Today I went to one of elementary school.Last week the school vice-principal called me to help to teach/take care one of 3 grade class.(one day temporary home room teacher) So yesterday night when I went to sleep, I was anxious (about) getting up late, because recently I am used to waking up late.
In addition my husband went to Beijing, so no one could give me morning call. But thanks my alarm clock, I could wake up on time. So I hurriedly took Betty and Zzang-A out for a short walk and to use the bathroom. (*English, we are often reserved about talking about bowel movements, and we prefer passive words like “bathroom” or “restroom”–quite silly, yes, but that is the culture.) Thenhurriedly ate a bowl of cereal, and then ran out/rushed out as fast as I could. Ehmm, when I started the car, glanced down at my watch, ‘Ok, time~ enough!‘ I felt safe/ relieved, I was satisfied. So … I had driven the car about 20 minutes? Suddenly I felt something strange. Is there something wrong?~ ‘Yeah~~~? I felt something was strange, something was wrong! What`s wrong? Okkkkk~~ ! Oh, What can I do? I realized I was driving toward the other school. Stupid! What a silly mistake! What a blunder! Fool! Stupid!
• In Korean the word ‘’바보Babo’ is in the dictionary , ‘a fool; a dunce; an ass; a silly; a dumb bunny; an idiot; a blockhead; a a turkey; a jerk; a fathead’ . too much. But I don`t know in this case which is the best word for me? at the first I sent cell-phone message to vice-principal, then after turned head. So ? How did I ? at the first I sent a cell-phone message to vice-principal, after I turned around. Fortunately I wasn’t late. Whew~~~` it`s OK! Good! Whew! What a day, huh? By the way, Today Saturday morning, I had a good and fun time with the 3 grade kids.
So …..Sigh, When I think back, most of my days are filled with excitement a thrill is a one-time thing. Suddenly I remembered the novel ‘Breathing Lesson’ that I read long long times ago. The heroine of the novel, a middle-aged she is a mass….. Oh, next week I have to go to that school one more day.“Mind out, Wake up PLEASE!”Good night!tomorrow is Sunday, you can wake up and be more realxed~~/(Don`t need wake up very early!)



Sept. 9, 2011

—(바보같은 행동)2010。9。4 오늘 나는 초등학교에 갔습니다.왜냐 하면 어제 교감선생님께서 전화 하셔서 오늘 하루 3학년을 좀 가르쳐 달라고 하셨거든요.그래서 어젯밤 잠자리에 들 때 좀 걱정이 되었답니다.요즘 늦게 일어 나다 보니 늦잠을 자게 될까 봐 말이죠. 더군다나 남편까지 북경에 갔으니 모닝콜을 해 줄 사람도 없으니.다행히 알람 시계 덕분에 제 시간에 일어나서, 베티와 짱아를 데리고 나가 서둘러 산책과 용변을 보게 한 뒤 돌아와, 급히 시리얼을 먹고, 최대한 빨리 뛰쳐나갔습니다.흠….자동차 시동을 걸 때 흘끗 시계를 보니 ‘오호~ 시간?~~ 충분한데!’ 안심이 되어 스스로 흐뭇해졌습니다.그래서,,,,,,한 20분쯤 운전을 했을까요? 갑자기 이상했습니다. 뭐가 잘못 되었나?응? 분명히 뭔가 잘못 된 것 같았습니다. 뭐가 잘못 되었지?앜!!!!! 아이구머니나! 세상에!!! 이 일을 어떻해? 네, 나는 다른 학교로 가고 있었던 것입니다!이런! 바보! 이런 멍청한 짓을 하다니!한국어 사전에는‘바보’가‘1. 傻瓜 [shǎ guā] 2. 傻大瓜 [shǎ dà guā] 3. 笨瓜 [bèn guā] 4. 傻子 [shǎ zi] ’.이런 말이 있습니다. 너무 많지요?오늘 나 같은 경우엔 어떤 말이 맞는지 모르겠네요! 모두 다 해당 된다고요?휴~~ 그래서요? 어떻게 했냐고요?먼저 교감 선생님께 메시지를 보낸 뒤 얼른 자동차 방향을 돌렸지요.정말 다행히도 늦지는 않았습니다!
네 그래요

Sept. 9, 2011

! 휴~~~!! 정말 굉장한 날이지요?그건 그렇고, 오늘 토요일 오전을 3학년 학생들과 즐겁고 재미있게 보냈어요. 그런데, 돌이켜 보면, 나의 대부분 시간들은 그야말로 스릴로 가득 했던 것 같아요.아주 오래 전에 읽었던 소설 ‘Breathing Lesson’(한국 제목 :‘종이 시계’)이 갑자기 떠오르네요.그 소설의 여자 주인공 중년 여인은 온통 실수 투성이거든요, 원래 모두 좋은 의도로 시작한 것임에도 불구 하고 말이지요.아, 다음주에 그 학교에 또 가야 하는데, “정신 차려야지요! ”정신 차려! 정신 차려! 정신 차려!안녕히 주무세요!! 내일은 일요일이니, 서두를 필요 없어요, 느긋하게 일어나세요^^♪

Sept. 9, 2011



Sept. 9, 2011

You're very welcome. I read the text verbatim - I hope that's what you wanted. :)

Dec. 6, 2011

Corrections. This is what I read:

Hi, how is everyone? I am rewriting my entry from last year, but I`m not sure if I have any other mistakes. Please check the entry and correct them, please. THANK YOU!
(Sep 04th 2010 2:48 )<a blunder > Today I went to an elementary school. Last week the school vice-principal called me to help to teach and to take care of one of the third grade classes as a one day temporary home room teacher. So yesterday night when I went to sleep, I was anxious about getting up too late, because recently I have become used to waking up late.
In addition, my husband went to Beijing, so no one could give me a morning wake up call.

Dec. 6, 2011

But thanks to my alarm clock, I woke up on time. So I hurriedly took Betty and Zzang-A out for a short walk and to use the bathroom. (*English, we are often reserved about talking about bowel movements, and we prefer passive words like “bathroom” or “restroom”–quite silly, yes, but that is the culture.) Then I hurriedly ate a bowl of cereal, and then rushed out as fast as I could. W hen I started the car, I glanced down at my watch, ‘Ok, enough time!‘ I felt safe and relieved, and I was satisfied with my morning. So after I had driven the car about 20 minutes, I suddenly felt something strange. Is there something wrong?~ ‘Yeah~~~? I felt something was strange, something was wrong! What`s wrong? Okkkkk~~ ! Oh, What can I do? I realized I was driving toward the other school. Stupid! What a silly mistake! What a blunder! Fool! Stupid!

Dec. 6, 2011

In Korean the word ‘’바보Babo’ is in the dictionary , ‘a fool; a dunce; an ass; a silly; a dumb bunny; an idiot; a blockhead; a a turkey; a jerk; a fathead’. Too much. But I don`t know in this case which is the best word for me. First, I sent a cell-phone message to vice-principal, then after that turned around. So? How did I do? Fortunately I wasn’t late. Whew~~~` it`s OK! Good! Whew! What a day, huh? By the way, this Saturday morning, I had a good and fun time with the third grade kids.
So …..Sigh, When I think back, most of my days are filled with excitement. A thrill is a one-time thing. Suddenly I remembered the novel Breathing Lesson that I read a long time ago. The heroine of the novel is a middle-aged woman. Oh, next week I have to go to that school one more day. “Wake up PLEASE!” Good night! Tomorrow is Sunday, so I can wake up and be more relaxed, because I don`t need to wake up very early!


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