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English Audio Request

322 Words / 1 Recordings / 7 Comments

• Hi, everyone! How are you all? I`m now rewriting my entry from this day last year(/one day last year). I feel I have so many mistakes, I just don`t know which are correct and which are incorrect. Please let me know my mistakes. ☆Thanks for your reading!☆
• ( Aug 31st 2010 00:12 ) Today I heard about The Mother of Modern Dance 'Isadora-Duncan' on ( on the voa news website) I think this site (voanews) is a very good place for my improving English listening ability. (=a very good place to improve my English hearing ability. (**hearing is passive, listening is active and involves understanding)
• (I think this site (voanews) is very helpful for my improving English listening .)
• I know, I am not young, and even /( what ever?/even more/?) when I was a kid (a long times ago) I learned English just with some paper books and without any audio. Therefore this time my English is really not good, so sometimes I felt ashamed of (/with) my poor English. But on the other hand, people from other countries also can not speak Korean fluently. So naturally?/surely? It`s not shameful for them. So I too feel that I don`t need feel much shame. From now on I can learn anything, if I want in my heart. Sure, because I am not young, it will be slower than young friends, but I think speed is not the most important thing in our life. If I have an interest in something I will do it even if it`s not so easy, even it`s not very fast/quick/ . I say to myself: ""You don`t need to be afraid about 'Speed', just need to be afraid about 'Stop'!"

• Let`s try hear once~~^.^/ I think we can find / learn something form this 'Isadora-Duncan'`s life, whatever it is.
*Thank you for reading my entry. Please correct my mistakes .


  • Don`t need afraid about 'Speed', just need afraid about 'Stop"-'Isadora-Duncan' `s life ( recorded by rayne117 ), North Eastern American

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Aug. 30, 2011

오늘은에서 현대 무용의 어머니 ‘이사도라 덩컨’에 대해서 들어 보았습니다. voanews 는 나의 영어 듣기 향상에 아주 좋은 사이트입니다. (voanews는 내 영어 듣기 향상에 아주 도움이 되는 싸이트입니다.) 물론 나는 젊지 않으며, 내가 어릴 때는 영어를 오디오 도움 없이 단지 책으로만 배웠습니다. 그래서 내 영어 실력은 형편 없어서, 가끔은 부끄럽게 느낄질 때도 있습니다. 그러나 한편, 다른 나라 사람들 역시 한국어를 유창하게 하지 못하며, 당연히 이것을 그들은 부끄럽게 느낄 필요가 없습니다.
그래서 나 또한 마찬가지로 너무 부끄럽게 여길 필요가 없다고 생각합니다.
지금부터 나는 무엇이던지 배우면 됩니다, 단지 내 마음 속에서부터 배우고 싶다면 말이지요. 물론, 나는 젊은이가 아니므로, 젊은 친구들보다 속도가 느릴 수도 있겠지요. 그러나 나는 그것이(속도가) 인생에서 가장 중요한 것이라고 여기지는 않습니다. 만약 내가 관심이 있는 것이라면 그것이 비록 쉽지 않더라도, 비록 느리다 않더라도, 할 것입니다.
그래서 나는 스스로에게 말해봅니다.: “느릴까 봐 걱정 하지 말고, 정지하게 될까 봐 두려워 하라!“

만약 영어를 배우신다면 저와 함께 들어 봅시다.^.^/ 우리는 ‘이사도라 텅컨’의 삶에서 그 무엇인가를 배우는 게 있을 겁니다. 비록 그것이 무엇이던간에 .

***읽어 주셔서 감사합니다. ***
***잘못 된 곳은 고쳐 주시기 부탁 드립니다. ***

Aug. 30, 2011

- "Thanks for your reading!" should be "Thank you for reading it!" or "Thanks for reading it!"

- "I think this site (voanews) is a very good place for my improving English listening ability" should be "I think this site (voanews) is a very good place for improving my English listening ability"

- "a very good place to improve my English hearing ability." This is correct.

- "I think this site (voanews) is very helpful for my improving English listening ." should be "I think this site (voanews) is very helpful for improving my English listening."

- "a long times ago" should be "a long time ago"

- "I know, I am not young, and even when I was a kid I learned English just with some paper books and without any audio." This is correct.

- "Therefore this time my English is really not good, so sometimes I felt ashamed of my poor English." This is correct.

Aug. 30, 2011

- "So I too feel that I don`t need feel much shame." This is correct. And you don't need any shame, you've done very well as far as I can see. You've learned a lot about how the language flows but you just have to keep trying to fix a few parts. Keep at it! :) Remember, even native speakers make mistakes. In fact, I personally know some native speakers who are worse than you at writing English.

- "From now on I can learn anything, if I want in my heart." This isn't wrong in way, it just would never be worded like that. A more natural way would be "From now on I know in my heart I can learn anything."

- "If I have an interest in something I will do it even if it`s not so easy" "not so easy" is rarely said by a native speaker, a more natural way is "not that easy"

- ""You don`t need to be afraid about 'Speed', just need to be afraid about 'Stop'!"" This is correct. And it's very true and inspiring. You have a great way of writing.

Bye bye for now! :D

Sept. 1, 2011


You are SooooOoo kind!
Thanks for encourageing me. (Is it correct?)
I thanks agian for your kindness.

bye~ ^^/

Sept. 1, 2011

Hi, everyone! How are you all? I`m now rewriting my entry from this day last year(/one day last year). I feel I have so many mistakes, I just don`t know which are correct and which are incorrect. Please let me know my mistakes. ☆Thanks for your reading!☆

Sept. 1, 2011

• ( Aug 31st 2010 00:12 )
Today I heard about The Mother of Modern Dance 'Isadora-Duncan' on ( on the voa news website)
• I think this site (voanews) is a very good place for improving English listening ability. (=a very good place to improve English hearing ability.(I think this site (voanews) is very helpful for improving English listening.")
• I know, I am not young, and even /( what ever?/even more/?) when I was a kid (a long times ago) I learned English just with some paper books and without any audio.
• Therefore this time my English is really not good, so sometimes I felt ashamed of (/with) my poor English.
• But on the other hand, people from other countries also can not speak Korean fluently.
• So naturally?/surely? It`s not shameful for them.
• So I too feel that I don`t need feel much shame.

Sept. 1, 2011

• From now on I know in my heart I can learn anything.
• Sure, because I am not young, it will be slower than young friends, but I think speed is not the most important thing in our life.
• If I have an interest in something I will do it even if it`s not that easy, even it`s not very fast/quick/ .
• I say to myself: "You don`t need to be afraid about 'Speed' , just need to be afraid about 'Stop'!"

• Let`s try hear once~~^.^/ I think we can find / learn something form this 'Isadora-Duncan'`s life, whatever it is.

• *Thank you for reading my entry. Please correct my mistakes