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English Audio Request

293 Words / 1 Recordings / 5 Comments

Hi~everyone! How is everyone? / How are you all? This time I`m rewriting a jouranl entry in English from my Chinese entry five days ago (from Aug 22th 2011)..Actually, it`s not easy writing English entries due to or my poor English, so every time I began to write an entry in English I used to feel nervous.( /I get nervous?/ I become nervous?/ I used to get nervous? ) Just I`m trying to ignore my feeing of nervousness, and try to(trying to) write once. Because it`s my hobby, not my obligation. ^^/ Please correct my mistakes.*♡THANK YOU VERY MUCH!♡
--(Aug 22th 2011 01:04 )---It's getting pretty(quite) late, it`s already after 1:00am. So this time I`d better talk very briefly, and I`d like to explain in more detail tomorrow,even though it will be done as tomorrow`s conditons. Today, I watched a movie with two of my good friends. It is the first time that I`ve ever seen an Indian movie,(It`s the the first Indian movie which I`ve ever seen ), and it`s title is 'Three idiots'.That movie has many musical scenes, and it`s said that`s a characteristics of India nmovies. The Indian movie industry is called 'Bollywood'(=Bombay+hollywood ) .Taken as a whole,(=Generally), this movie was good.This is a story of three students who are studying in the famous Indian university of Engineering. These three young men constantly do unexpected things.
They agonize common problems / worries which are with nowdays young men. (=Their problems are just modern young men`s problems.)I`m uploading that movie`s preview now. If you are intersted in seeing more , you can try to clicking here.I uploaded some more movie previews and Korean Audio mp3, and also I uploaded other a few other pictures which are around the movie theater .


  • ((Indian Movie: Bollywood)“印度电影三个傻瓜” 세 얼간이/Three idiots ( recorded by rayne117 ), North Eastern American

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Aug. 27, 2011

(2011.8.22)시간이 너무 늦어 밤1시가 넘었네요. 그래서 오늘은 아주 짧게 얘기를 하고, 내일 다시 자세히 말하겠습니다. 그것도 내일 상황을 봐야겠지만 말이지요…^.^
오늘 친구 두 명과 영화를 보았습니다. 처음으로 본 인도 영화인데, 제목은 “세 얼간이”입니다.영화안에 꽤 많은 뮤지컬 장면이 삽입되어 있는데, 이는 인도영화에서 내려오는 전통이라 합니다. 볼리우드(Bollywood)인거지요. 전체적으로 꽤 괜찮은 영화였습니다. 이야기는 인도 최고의 과학기술대학에서 늘 좌충우돌하는 세 공학도의 이야기를 다룬 이야기입니다. 그들의 고민은 바로 오늘날 젊은이의 고민이지요. 여기 예고편을 올리겠습니다.
* 좀더 관심 있는 분은 다음을 클릭해 보셔요. 사진과 한글 낭독 녹음 mp3를 모두 여기에 올렸습니다. 오늘 사진은 극장 주변의 모습을 편하게 찍어 올린 것입니다. 식당, 까페 입구, 작은 골목, 길거리 등입니다.

Aug. 27, 2011

时间很晚,半夜里1点多了。所以 我想简点说说今天的事情后,明天再来详细地写。只不过要看明天的情况来決定。。。。。今天我跟两个朋友一起去看了一部电影。这部电影是我第一次看的印度电影,片名 是“三个傻瓜”。影片中穿插 [chuān chā] 很多有趣的歌舞, 据说这是延续[yán xù]来的印度电影的传统。可以说“宝莱坞 [bǎo lái wù]”。总的来说,很不错。故事发生在印度最有名的科技大学里, 关于经常左冲右突//zuǒ chōng yòu tū的三个学生的学校生活。(那是在印度最有名的科技大学里,发生的三个学生大闹学校的故事。) 总的来说,很不错。他们苦恼的事情就是现代年轻人们的苦恼。 我在这儿上传预告片[yù gào piàn]。
*对, 今天的照片是那家电影院附近的情景,是我随便拍的。这些是餐厅咖啡门口的花儿,胡同等等。

Aug. 27, 2011

On the "They agonize common problems" part, I got stuck on the world "AHH-GUH-NIZE" because while it looks like it would be pronounced "AHH-GO-NIZE" it is said with a "GUH" (like the word "huh" as in "huh, I do not understand you.") sound and not a "GO" sound.

Since you said you wished to be corrected, "so every time I began to write an entry in English I used to feel nervous." you can say instead "so every time I began to write an entry in English I became nervous." but "I used to get nervous?" is also right.

"Just I`m trying to ignore my feeing of nervousness," while it is OK to start a sentence with "Just" it sounds too much like you are actually talking and not writing.

Of course "It's getting pretty(quite) late" "pretty and "quite" work there. Though I like how you put other options of things for me to say. I'm sure it's very helpful to you!

I'm too tired to correct anymore tonight, I hope these corrections help you out. Good bye for now =)

Aug. 28, 2011

rayne117, THANK YOU SO MUCH! ~♬~

~so every time I began to write an entry in English I used to feel nervous.

~= so every time I began to write an entry in English I BECAME NERVOUS. nervous

Yes, Take good rest!
Thanks agian for your kindness^.^/


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