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English Audio Request

105 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

If you find my mistakes in English, please read as you want. Thanks!

(July 19th 2010 10:55)
haha~~ Hi~everybody? This time I’ll give you a homework.
The sentence below is one of Korean Buddhist monk, ‘Beupsung`s/법정’s/ words.
I feel his words are really really good for me . ( is reasonable for me.)
Then… how about you try to translate it in English?
(What are you think about you try do it translations it in English? )
This evening I will come back and try to translate it in English too,……
Hahaha…. How is it? Isn`t it fun?
( or not, Isn`t it looks so fun?/ “Doesn’t it look fun?”)
OK~ Then we meet Tonight! bye~see you soon!


  • :(Jul y 19th 2010 10:55)Korean Buddhist monk, ‘Beupsung`s/법정’s/ words. ( recorded by summerguy2007 ), New York - English

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July 21, 2011

1♥~- (2010.7.19)-哈哈~你们好!~今天我给你们一个作业!
下边是韩国有名的一位 和尚 [hé shà ng]’법정’ 说的话。
晚上我 再来用中文试着写吧。。。。哈哈.。。怎么样?(你们)是不是觉得有意思呀?那~~晚上,我们再见吧!

3♥~- (2010.7.19)-
하하…여러분, 안녕하세요?오늘 여러분께 숙제 하나를 드리겠어요
아래는 한국의 유명한 스님 ‘법정’께서 하신 말씀이예요.
제 생각에는 스님의 말씀이 정말 맞는 것 같아요.
그러면….여러분들이 중국어로 어쩧게 표현해야 하면 적절할까요?
제가 저녁에 다시 와서 중국어로 써 볼께요…..하하…어때요?
재미있을것 같지 않으세요?
그러면~~~ 우리 저녁에 다시 만나요!