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English Audio Request

181 Words / 1 Recordings / 5 Comments

-☆~(Jul 18th 2010 23:08 )
These days, we have been in the rainy season.
Recently, the rainy season has begun in Korea./ The rainy season started not long ago in Korea. )Usually the Korean rainy season starts in late June, and ends around the end of July. So recently, everything is damp with humidity.
People usually don’t welcome long rainy days.
But there is no other way but to wait for it to pass.
So today I uploaded my winter pictures. (for a young Chinese friend, this year, I went skiing in January.)
Oh~ that day we had so much fun. Haha… My friend, who came from SiChuan China, was so excited. We had a really good time.haha~“`)
I hope these winter pictures can make you feel refreshed, even if it’s just a little.
/dictionary/(weather forecast)/

scattered showers

effective humidity
absolute humidity
determine the humidity
relative humidity
high temperature and humidity
The humidity is high[low] today.
discomfort index; temperature-humidity index ([약어] THI)
a climate of high temperature and humidity
show a high[low] percentage of humidity


  • -☆~(Jul 18th 2010 ) ( recorded by Jana ), Northwestern American

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July 21, 2011

요즘은 한국의 장마철이예요. 보통 한국의 장마철은 6월말 부터 시작합니다. 그리고 7월 말 즈음에 끝납니다. 그래서 요즘은 모든것들이 습기로 눅눅하답니다. 사람들은 긴 장마철을 좋아 하지 않습니다.
그렇지만 할 수 없어요. 우리들은 그냥 이 장마철이 빨리 지나가기만을 기다려야지요. 오늘은 겨울 사진을 올렸습니다.(중국에서 온 젊은 친구를 위해서 지난 1월달에 스키장에 갔었거던요.)
아~~ 그날은 정말 재미있었어요. 하하….중국 사천에서 온 젊은 숙녀는 너무 신났었어요.
정말정말 재미있게 놀았어요. 하하..
이 겨울 사진이 여러분을 조금이나마 시원하게 해주었으면 좋겠어요.
/dictionary/-<<일기예보(weather forecast)에서 쓰는 단어>>–
scattered showers 띄엄띄엄 내리는 소나기
precipitation ——– - 강우량
rainfall ————–강우량
lightning ——————번개
meteorologic ——————기상의
pour ——————————-(비가) 퍼붓다
실효 습도 ———–effective humidity
절대 습도 ——–absolute humidity
습도를 재다 ———–determine the humidity
상대 습도([기상])——— relative humidity
고온 다습 ——————-high temperature and humidity
오늘은 습도가 높다[낮다] The humidity is high[low] today.
불쾌지수 —-discomfort index; temperature-humidity index ([약어] THI)
고온 다습한 기후 ——-a climate of high temperature and humidity
습도가 높다[낮다] —-show a high[low] percentage of humidity

July 21, 2011

Korean Audio MP3- Click Here -☞~♪♪♪방방의 한국어 낭독- ~

July 21, 2011

THANK YOU< Jana! ((^___________________^))


July 21, 2011

THANKS again for your kind, jana!
-☆~(Jul 18th 2010 23:08 )
These days, we have been in the rainy season.(Recently, the rainy season has begun in Korea./ The rainy season started not long ago in Korea. )
Usually the Korean rainy season starts in late June, and ends around the end of July. So recently, everything is damp with humidity.
People usually don’t welcome long rainy days.But there is no other way but to wait for it to pass.
So today I uploaded my winter pictures with a young Chinese freind went to sking this year in January.
Oh~ that day we had so much fun. My friend, who came from SiChuan China, was so excited. We had a really good time.haha~“`I hope these winter pictures can make you feel refreshed, even if it’s just a little.

July 21, 2011

So today I ( ? ) uploaded my winter pictures with a young Chinese freind this year I went to skiing in January.