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English Audio Request

184 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read English entry, you don`t need to read Korean and Chinse. Thank you very much.
(Oh, if you find my mistakes in English, you can read as you want. Thanks again!)

(July 12th. 2011)
Currently, I decided to read and check last ‘year`s’ entries before writing today journal.
It`s good for my review and also I can see my ‘improvement’ writing journals.
If I can keep on this way/?/(do like this?), I guess it will help on?/continuing?/ to write and learn English。
So, I had checked the last year`s two journals, and rewrote them again now.
But I am not sure if there any other mistakes, or if there`re more natural expressions. So, please check my mistakes and correct them.
(Thanks for reading and help.)

( 2011.7.12) 最近我决定在写当天的日记之前先重新看看去年写的日记。


( 2011.7.12) 요즘 나는 오늘의 일기를 쓰기 전에 작년에 쓴 일기를 먼저 살펴 보기로 했다.
이는 복습도 되며, 또한 일기를 써온 과정을 돌아 볼 수도 있기 때문이다.
이렇게 하다 보면 일기를 지속적으로 쓰는데 도움도 되며, 또한 중국어를 꾸준하게 공부하는데 도움이 되리라 여기기 때문이다.
오늘은 작년 7월7일에 쓴 두편의 일기를 살펴본뒤 다시 한 번 더 써 보았다.
그러나 아직 더 고칠곳이 없는지, 더 자연스럽고 원어민다운 표현 방법이 있는지 알 수 없어서
친구들에게 검토를 다시 한번 부탁한다.
(여러분의 도움을 부탁드립니다. 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다.)


  • last ‘year`s’ entries /작년에 쓴 일기 ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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July 13, 2011

Thomas, Thank you alwayds!


July 13, 2011

(July 12th. 2011)Currently, I decided to read and check last ‘year`s’entries before writing today journal.It`s good for my review and also I can see my ‘improvement’ writing journals.
If I can keep on in this way, I guess it will help me to write and learn English。So, I checked two journals from last year, and rewrote them again now. But I am not sure if there any other mistakes, or if there`re more natural expressions. So, please check my mistakes and correct them.
(Thanks for reading and thanks for your help.)


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