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English Audio Request

105 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please just read English part. If you find my mistakes in English entry, then you can read as you want.

Thank you very much!/^____________^/

NO.2-(July 7th 2010) -
Yesterday, I saw the following video news on the internet.
So~~^^ ~~ It occurred to me may be it could help my friends who are learning Korean.
Even if it`s not easy to understand, don`t be depressed/disappointed, at all!.
Because he talks very fast so it`s very hard to follow his speaking.
But I guess that If you just get the feeling of Korean news, then it`s OK!
It`s ENOUGH just to get the feeling!
“Take care of” your good health in this hot weather!
“Take good care of” yourself in this hot weather~~~~~~~

==NO2: (2010.7.7.)===============================================
下边是刚才我在韩国 网站上看到的新闻广播。我想给学韩语的朋友们介绍一下. 我想也许会有些帮助学韩语的朋友们,大家听一听/ 看一看!不过你听不懂也不要紧,放轻松。 这个主持人的说话速度非常快,我估计你们肯定不容易听懂。所以即使听不懂,但是你们千万不要失望。慢慢来就能感觉到韩文广播的语感就够了。大家注意健康!


  • If you just get the feeling of Korean news/ 就能感觉到韩文广播的语感就够了 ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

    Download Unlock


July 13, 2011

Thomas, Thank you very much!



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