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English Audio Request

478 Words / 1 Recordings / 4 Comments
Note to recorder:

Just read English part. THANK YOU!

–(July 12th 2011)
• Hi, everyone! How are you?
• In Seoul, it has been raining till now.
• Oh, no! According to the weather forecast it will be raining till this weekend.
• Yes, it seems that the sky doesn’t want to stop crying easily *.*/.
• Oooo~~ @.@~~ It` s hot and humid.
• But there`s no way that will stop the sky from crying.
• Just only need to try to keep myself cool.
• And “the next entry” = “the following entry” /is my English entry from last summer.
• One kind Lang-8 friend corrected it for me. Thanks to him again!^.^
• Today I read and wrote it again, since I would like to check if there any other mistaks. If you find them please correct them. Thanks for reading!
(Oh, and I recorded a Korean verson of this today just a moment ago. If you want you can try to listen once in Korean. )

–(Jul 07th 2010 11:43 )~(o⌒.⌒o)~———————————–
• It’s getting so hot. I found out through the internet the news that the Han-River swimming pool had opened.
• So I would like to introduce it to my lang-8 friends . (So, let me introduce these swimming pools to you lang-8 friends .)
• Seoul has a river be called the ‘Han-River’.
• Han-Gang flows through the middle of Seoul from east to west. I really like the Han-River.
• Seoul has 12 Han-river public-parks which serve as leisure places for citizens.
• In the summer time we open swimming-pools to let/ help kids’ enjoy summer .
• Han-Gang divides Seoul into Gang-nam (강남south of Seoul) and Gang-buk (north of Seoul), and 20 bridges connect these two places.
• Furthermore, pleasure boats help you enjoy and experience Han-Gang `s authentic atmosphere.
• This time I found some pictures of Han-Gang.
• I hope it can help you appreciate Han-Gang even a little.

• It seems he went to Han-gang swimming pool with his child, recently . ->

(2010. 7.5) ~~~(o⌒.⌒o)~
날이 더워집니다.
인터넷에서 한강 수영장을 개장했다는 소식을 보았습니다..
그래서 lang-8친구들에게 간단히 소개 할까 합니다.
서울에는 큰 강이 하나 있는데 ‘한강’이라고 하지요.
한강은 동쪽에서 시작하여 서울 중심을 지나 서쪽의 황해로 흘러갑니다.
나는 한강을 정말 좋아합니다.
이 한강에는 12개의 시민 공원이 있어서 시민들에게 휴식의 공간을 제공해줍니다.
그리고 여름에는 수영장을 개방하여 시민들에게 여름의 즐거움을 만끽 하도록 해 주지요.
한강이 서울의 중심을 지나며 서울을 강남과 강북으로 구분해 주며, 20여개의 다리가 이 두 곳을 연결해 줍니다.
그리고 또, 유람선이 있어서 유람선을 타고 한강의 분위기를 맛 볼 수 있습니다.
오늘 사진 몇 장을 찾아서 올렸어요.
여러분의 한강 이해에 도움이 되었으면 합니다.
참, 그리고 여기 한 아빠가 쓴 블로그가 있네요. 아들을 데리고 몇 일 전에 한강 수영장에 다녀 왔나 봅니다.

(2011.7.12) 大家好!首尔还在下雨呢。
据天气预报,这个周末‘还会’继续下雨。真的又潮湿又闷热。看来天还不想“止住”眼泪 。。。 @。@;
我今天”又重新看了一遍”,看还有没有要修改的地方 。

(2010. 7.5.)~~~(o⌒.⌒o)~
所以现在给lang-8朋友们 简单点介绍首尔的汉江。
在首尔有一条江,叫‘汉江‘。它从东边开始,穿过首尔的中间向西边的黄海流去。我非常喜欢 ‘汉江‘。

* 我看到了有一位网友带儿子去汉江游泳池后写的博客。 请参考参考。 –>


  • ☆☆—Han-river public-parks /한강☆☆— ( recorded by Jana ), Northwestern American

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July 13, 2011

Hi again,

There were a couple of small mistakes that I fixed in my recording. I hope this helps! =)

July 13, 2011

PS: Oops! I accidentally said "2001" instead of "2011" at the beginning... Sorry. ^^;

July 22, 2011

Thanks for your kindness. ^.^/
I am happy when I listen your recording.



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