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English Audio Request

415 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read English part.
If you find my mistakes in English, you can read as you want.
Thank you very much for your recording!!!

(Jun 29th 2011 01:16)
A toast to our family members living in harmony!
I went to Itewon with my son and my husband in this evening because my son returned home today.
Yes, I can finally say “return home” — and what’s more, “completely”! ^^
Yes, this/that means that he was discharged from Korean military service today.
So our family went to Iteawon for dinner (=to have dinner).
After I finished my afternoon class, ‘the three of us’ drove to Itewon, and we had a light dinner with beer, pizza, and spaghetti.
Em, today’s picture is my son and my husband ‘celebrating with draft beer’.
I’d better (=I should) introduce my son a little to you now.
My son served in the Korean army (=as a Korean soldier) for 22 months, and ‘during this time’ he ‘had interpretation service’ in Afghan for 6 months.
I believe it helped to enlarge his experience. I hope so!
So, now he finally ‘served (=completed) his duty’ of national defence as a Korean young man.
He had studied in the USA for the 7 years ‘before his military service’, and now he ‘has also finished’ his duty as a healthy Korean young man.
Therefore I ‘imagine’ he feels so free and easy now.
But on the other hand, he is probably ‘burdened with finding a suitable job’ for himsel.
‘I just hope’ he will find ‘work that suits him’ and choose a ‘job he likes’.
I hope he will love his work and enjoy it.
As for me, ‘starting today’, we will be living together (again). ^^.
I hope we will ‘continue to live in more harmony’.

*The second picture is my husband is toasting my son with soju at the Noliangjin fish market last week, when it was my son’s last vacation from the army.

(“when it was”=during)

—–[dictionary/ sample sentences ]————————————————-
[가족] family member
식구가 많다[적다] -have many[few] mouths to feed / have a large[small] family
식구가 늘다[줄다] -have new[fewer] mouths to feed
우리 집 식구들은 일찍 일어난다 -My family members are early risers.
저는 여섯 식구 중 막내입니다 -I’m the youngest in a family of six.
우리는 네 식구다 – We are[Ours is] a family of four. /
- There are four (of us) in my family.

그는 경찰관으로 20년을 복무했다
-He has served as a policeman for 20 years.
한국 남자들은 약 2년간 군 복무를 하도록 법으로 정해져 있다
-By law, Korean men are required to serve about two years in the military.



July 5, 2011

I'm sure I butchered the pronunciation of Itaewon, so sorry for that! I said a few things differently... for instance, it would be "young Korean man" and not "Korean young man" :)

July 5, 2011


It`s very helpful for my learning English.
If I can I also would help you....^.*/
Have a good day!


Oct. 21, 2012

Bubblyworld, Thanks for your recording!^^♪


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