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English Audio Request

703 Words / 1 Recordings / 6 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please just read English entry.
If you find my mistakes in English you can read as you want.
Thanks for your helop^.^/

–(Jun 29th 2010 01:24)
• Everyone has their friends./ (=All of us have own friends.)/ (= We all have our own friends.)
• Maybe/ Probably there’s not one person who doesn’t have a friend. What do you think about this?
• Today suddenly, it occurred to me “where do our friendships comes from?”
• But of course, we have many kinds of friends.
• for example, Elementary school friends? middle /high school friends,University friends?
• When we go out out in the world we become friends with our co-workers.
• and also, your neighbors are also one of your good friends.
• Oh, there are friends you meet when you travel.
• Also, there are online friends that we meet on the internet like us in lang-8 with same hobby.

*?• Even though they are friends who are completely different from me they are still my friends.
• Each one of our friends have their own differences and way of think, feelings and emotions, but all of them are still very important friends in my life.

*?• It`s not a (big?/important?) point of “good and not good” or “important and not important” between friends and my relation.(~~~> Is it ok?)

*?• I know that every friend has their own unique(?) thoughts and feelings and they can share it with me when we need, and I guess those are the most important thing/point to me/us? /. (~~ ? Is it ok?)

• If I look up to the stars, they are shinning with different colors, size, and distance between them in the sky.
• My friends are also shinning for me with different color and different size and different distance, in my heart without stop.

*?• By virtue of all of these friends, I can stay at here at this pont/ now. ~~>( Is it OK?) So today I can say that I appreciate all of my friends again, including my lang-8 friends too.

• It’s starting to feel like a real summer day in Seoul.
• It’s getting hot now.
• Everyone be careful with the summer heat. =Everyone please take good care of yourself in this heat.

** maybe= probably = 아마도. 아마도 갈거야. (Maybe, I will go.)
** may be= might be = ~지도 몰라. 갈지도 몰라. (I may be going).

우리들은 모두 친구들을 가지고 있다.
아마도, 이 세상에 친구가 없는 이는 없을 것이다. 그렇지 않은가요?
여러분은 어떻게 생각하세요?
오늘 우연히 ’친구의 범위는 어디까지일까?’ 에 대해 생각하게 되었다.
우리는 사람을 알게 되면 친구라고 부르게 된다. 말하자면 ’그 사람은/ 이 사람은 제 친구입니다.’ 라고 한다.
또한 가슴 속 깊은 비밀까지도 편히 터 놓을 수 있어야 진정한 친구라고 말할 수 있는가? 그리고 또? 물론 우리는 각양각색의, 다양한 형태의 친구들을 가지고 있다.

예를 들자면,
초등학교 때의 친구,
중고등학교 때의 친구,
그리고 대학교 때 친구?
사회에 나와서, 막 사회에 첫발을 내 디딜 때 알게 된 직장동료들,
그외에도 이웃집 또한 무척 좋은 친구중 하나이다.

아, 그리고 여행시에 우연히 알게 된 친구들도 있을테고..
이외에도 우리 lang-8 친구들처럼, 인터넷상에서 같은 취미로 인해 교류하게 된 인터넷 친구들도 있다.,
비록 서로 다른 정도와 서로 다른 각도에서 보게 되는 친구들이지만, 그들은 모두 나의 친구들이다.
친구들은 각각 모두 다른 생각, 다른 느낌, 다른 정서를 가지고 있으며, 그 하나하나 모두가 나 자신의 삶속에서 매우 중요한 존재들이다.
”좋고 안 좋고’, ‘중요하고 중요하지 않고’ 가 아니다.
나 자신이 그 친구들과 사이에서 서로 고유한 느낌과 정서를 갖고 있음을 인식하며, 또한 가슴으로 느끼고 있는 그 자체가 가장 중요하다고 여긴다.

마치 별들이 하늘에서 서로 다른 거리에서 서로 다른 크기로 다른 색으로써 빛을 내듯이, 내 친구들은 내 마음 속에서 각양각색의 다른 각도로 / 다른 거리에서/ 다른 감정으로써 끊임없이 나를 비추어 주고 있는 것이다.
그럼으로 인하여 우리들은 오늘 이 자리에 있을 수 있는 것이다.
다시 한번 나의 모든 친구들에게 감사한다! lang-8친구, 여러분들을 모두 포함하여!

서울 날씨가 이제 진짜 여름으로 들어 섰습니다. —- 무더워지기 시작합니다. —-
모두 더위에 건강 유의하세요! 안녕히 주무세요.
• 我们每个人都有 (/在尋找) 朋友。
• 可能是 世界上没有人没有朋友的,是吧?
(= 但是 世界上不可能有人没有朋友的,是吧?)
(= 在这个世界上大概没有哪个人是没有朋友的,是吧?)

• 你们觉得呢?今天偶然想到了 ‘朋友的范围是到哪儿的‘?
(= 今天偶然想到 ‘朋友的定義是什麼呢‘?)

• 我们如果认识一个人就可以称他为朋友,
(=我们如果认识一个新的人称他为朋友,)要用说的话 ‘他/她是我的朋友‘。
• 也可以活, 会谈谈到自己心中密密的人才会/能叫真正的朋友?/
(= 內心深处[shēn chù]的秘密都可以分享的人才能被称作為真正的朋友?”)
(= 会谈到自己心中秘密的人才叫真正的朋友?)

• 还有呢?当然我们有各种各样的不同的程度的朋友。

• 比如,

• 此外,我的鄰居也是我特別好的朋友之一。
• 阿~还有, 旅行的时候偶然认识的朋友们。
• 此外还有像我们这样,在网上通过一些同样的的兴趣来沟通的网友,虽然都是按不同的背景,不同的角度来看的朋友们,不过他们都是我的朋友。

• 每个朋友的都有不同的感情/情绪,都是在我的生活中很重要的朋友,不能说好不好,重要不重要。
• 我觉得可以说他们都是‘我的朋友’,自己心里知道/每个朋友之间都含有不同的感情。不过都是非常重要的朋友们!
• 就像在天上按不同的距离、不同的大小、不同的颜色来 发光 的,不过都很认真地闪亮的星星似的,我朋友们也是在我心里含有着各种各样不同的角度/距离/情绪正在不断地发光照着我。
• 因此我们会来到这个时刻。/(=因為這些原因,所以我們今天才能存在這個位置上 .)
• 再次感谢我们的朋友们!包括你们l昂-8朋友们!

• 首尔的天气,开始进入真正的夏天呐---开始热了!
• 好好保重身体! 晚安!


  • friend/ 친구/朋友– stars which is shining in my heart /가슴에서 빛나는 별들 ( recorded by Jana ), Northwestern American

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July 10, 2011

Hi bangbang1,

Are you posting your writing on Lang8 before posting it here? I would really recommend you get your sentences corrected before posting them here for recording. It's rather difficult to correct mistakes while recording and also read smoothly. There was one sentence I couldn't understand, so I had to skip over it.

July 11, 2011

I will take your advice. Thanks again!
Oh, your reading is very clean and good for listening as for me. It`s sooo~~good! Thanks again. ((^__^))


 –(Jun 29th 2010 01:24)
• Everyone has friends. There probably
 isn’t one person who doesn’t have a friend.
 What do you think about this? Today suddenly, I wondered “where do our friendships comes from?”
 But of course, we have many kinds of friends, for example, elementary school friends, middle /high school friends,and University friends.
 When we go out in to the world we become friends with our co-workers. And also, your neighbors can be your good friends.
 Oh, there are friends you meet when you travel.
 Also, there are online friends that we meet on the internet like who of us in lang-8 with same hobby.

July 11, 2011

•Even though some of my friends are completely different from me they are still my friends.
•Each one of our friends has their own differences and way of think, feelings and emotions, but all of them are still very important friends in my life.----<skip>---•I know that every friend has their own unique thoughts and feelings and they can share it with me when they need to, and I guess that is the most important thing to me.
•If I look up to the stars, they are shinning with different colors, sizes, and distances between them in the sky.
•My friends are also shinning for me with different colors and different sizes and different distances, in my heart without stopping.
•Because of all my friends I can be here now.
•So today I can say that I appreciate all of my friends, including my lang-8 friends too.
•It’s starting to feel like a real summer day in Seoul.
•It’s getting hot now.
•Everyone be careful with the summer heat. =Everyone please take good care of yourself in this heat.

July 11, 2011

Cool, I'm glad you like it! =)

By the way, I wanted to tell you that you seem have labeled some of your Chinese texts as "English", so they show up in my queue! I don't think native Chinese speakers will see them this way... So you might want to fix that. ^^

July 11, 2011

Jana, Thank`s again!
You are so kind.



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