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English Audio Request

165 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please just read English entry.
Thanks for your help!

(Jun 26th 2011)
■[Korean Weather Forecast] [Typhoon watch/ A typhoon warning / A typhoon alert ]
■The typhoon will hit the whole Korea country soon. . /
=The typhoon will soon reach the whole country/Korea.
■The typhoon #5 has already reached Jeju-do.
■The typhoon is reaching the whole land of Korea soon.
■It came from Shanghai, China, and is moving north.
■Right now it has arrived at the southern coast of Korea, and tomorrow it will pass the west sea of Korea, and travel to the north.
■The following link is a Korean newscast video. .

[天气预报]全国”台风[tái fēng] 预警[yù jǐng] ”-暴雨[bào yǔ]。风-]

■韩国全国台风预警 [tái fēng yù jǐng].
■5号台风己进入韩国济州岛 [jì zhōu dǎo]。
■大家可以边看边听天气预报主持人[zhǔchí rén]的报道。
[일기 예보]-태풍 예보: 폭우와 강풍 예상 -
태풍이 곧 전국을 지나 갈것입니다.
5호 태풍이 이미 제주도에 도착했습니다.
이번 5호 태풍은 상해 북쪽에서 출발하여 북쪽으로 올라 오고 있습니다.
지금 한국 남해안으로 진입하여, 내일 서해안을 거쳐 북쪽으로 갈 것입니다.
아래는 한국의 일기예보 동영상입니다. 여러분 영상을 보면서 한번 들어 보셔요.



June 30, 2011

scandalousdan, Thank you very much for your recording!
It`s very helpful for me.


June 30, 2011


Absolutely, I love to help. :)


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