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English Audio Request

219 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
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Thank you for your recording. If you find my mistakes you can read as you want. Thanks agian! ^.^.

(Jun 22nd 2011 ). I`ve been hearing the sound of rain through the window.

Lately in Seoul, it has been pretty hot, and finally it rained today.
This time, I heard the sound of rain through the window.
By the way, there are a few things I would like to write about, only it`s not easy to write because of my poor English.
I really feel stifled since I can`t express my thoughts and feeling.
Therefore I have to talk very simply。
Anyway, today I upload three pictures。
The first picture is a city in China hit by what was called Wuxi's flood.
This city was flooded by heavy rain last week.
Even though a flood is very serious, this young couple seems so romantic。
The second picture is a exam paper which one Korean man gave to his daughter`s boyfriend.
The third pictures is a Korean food called samgyetang (chicken soup with ginseng).
Today I found an essay which one British man who has been living in Seoul for three years wrote in today's newspaper.
That title is “The summer that I am waiting to eat samgyetang : 삼계탕 기다려지는 여름”.
If you want to read his article((=If you want to read what he wrote), ) you can click here.~>

Oh, I also like to eat samgyetang. ^^


  • (Jun 22nd 2011 ). I`ve been hearing the sound of rain through the window. ( recorded by Pasokon ), Midwestern American English, Neutral Spanish

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June 25, 2011

Thanks allways, Pasokon!

June 25, 2011

这几天首尔的天气突然变很热,结果今天终于开始下雨了。 我正在听着窗外的唰-唰-不停的下雨声。不管怎么样, 我有不少想写的事情,只不过我的英语水平不足,写不出来/表达不出来/。因为我用英文不能自由表达出来我的想法和感觉,我实在很难受。 于是我只好简单地写。不管怎么样,今天我上传了几张照片。第一张是中国武汉的洪水。 这个城市的水灾很严重,不过这张照片上的一对年轻的情人看起来很浪漫。第二张照片是一位未来的丈人(岳父[yuè fù]) 给自己女儿的男朋友的一张考卷。 哈哈,有意思! 第三张照片是韩国的食品“参鸡汤”。今天我在报纸上看了一位英国人写的文章,(他住在首尔三年了。), 题目是“我正在等着在韩国夏天时吃“参鸡汤”。) 如果你感兴趣的话点击 [diǎn jī]这里就可以看到他的韩文文章。•

June 25, 2011

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