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English Audio Request

139 Words / 2 Recordings / 4 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read in English part. You don`t need read Chinese part. Thank you very much!

==( Jun 29th 2010 20:50)==my problem.*.*;;==============
• Sigh...Just moment ago I came back home, and I turned on computer as soon as possible, then began to do housework.
• But do you know what my problem is?
• My problem is I forget things too easily.*_*;; I know ‘the first things first!’
• But, especially today, when I return home if I sit down at my desk first, I easily forget to do housework.
• Can you understand?If I begin writing lang-8 journal -the first thing-, then ~~~~almost forgot the other works -the second thing-.
• Sigh......So I know I`d better stand up now!Quickly!VERY quickly ! Then I`ll come again after I'm
=(2010.6.29 )我的问题*.*//===========================
• 我有一个大的问题。就是太容易忘事。/ / 我有一个大的毛病就是太容易忘事
• 我是(家庭)主妇,回家后有很多的家务等着我做。 当然我也知道 我得按顺序来做我该做的事儿。
• 不过~~我呢?比如今天,晚上回家的时候,先打开了电脑看看。
• 哎呀~~一坐在桌子旁就容易忘掉后边等我去做的其它家务事儿。这是不是成了很大的问题呀?
• 这就是由lang-8的朋友们的日记!! lang-8对我来说太有意思了,总是让我忘记做其它的事情,所以现在成了我的问题!
• 我打算 ,下次回家后不要先坐桌子前边, 也绝对不要打开电脑。
• 那--我现在就要起来了! 该说 ‘拜拜‘~~我要去做家务了!


  • You know what my problem is? ( recorded by yue ), Midwestern American English

    Download Unlock
  • You know what my problem is? ( recorded by Pasokon ), Midwestern American English, Neutral Spanish

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June 20, 2011

• Sigh... Just a moment ago, when I came back home, I turned on the computer as soon as possible, then began to do housework.
• But do you know what my problem is?
• My problem is that I forget things too easily. *_*;; I know it's ‘the first things first!’
• But, like today, when I return home, if I sit down at my desk first, I easily forget to do housework.
• Do you understand? For example, if I begin writing a lang-8 journal first thing, then I nearly forget all the work I have to do.
• Sigh...... So I know I'd better stand up now! Quickly! VERY quickly! Then I'll come back again after I'm

June 20, 2011

W0oow~ Thank you very much, yue!!!!
와~~~~~~정말 고마와요!

Especially you fixed my entry! Thanks agian!
더군다나 문장까지 고쳐 주어서 더 감사드려요(^_________________^))

Really kind and sweet friend!
정말무 친절하고 고마운 친구!

I love listening your reading. It`s very helpful for my hearing. yue의 낭독을 듣고 있으면 정말 듣기 연습에 많은 도움이 된답니다.

Have a good day!

June 20, 2011

You're welcome, bangbang!! It's my pleasure~ Plus, you always help me a lot! So really, I'm happy to record for you. :DDD

Awww, thank you~ I'm glad I'm helping you! ^^

You have a good day too, bangbang! I'll definitely see you around~

June 25, 2011

Thank you, Thank you very much,Pasokon!


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