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English Audio Request

335 Words / 2 Recordings / 7 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please record in English part. Thank you! (You don`t need in Korean and Chinesepart. Thank you!

(Jun 15th 2011 21:46) How are you ! Did you have a good day?
Here in Seoul, today`s weather was very hot. Wow, it`s almost a real summer.
Hemmmm.....I will talk about a Korean food of 'pork hock '.
Today late afternoon I went to a traditional market and ate 'pork hock ' with my son. That place is an old and narrow traditional alley, and it`s called 'pork hock alley'.
Wow, it/that was a so interesting place, whole of alley was filled with a 'pork hock shops'. It was my first time I went there.
This afternoon, when I came back home, my son said he would like to eat pork hock. At that time it suddenly occurred to me that one of my friend talked about that 'pork hock alley' before. Thus my son and I decided to try to go there once. Sure, that pork hock was chewy and delicious. ^.^/ We had ate and then took them /some back home for my husband. Oh, there`s 'sundae' (pork soup mixed with sliced sundae sausage) too.

Bye, sleep well!
(Thanks for your reading ☆^.^/ Please correct my mistakes ^.^☆/)

(2011.6.15) lang-8 朋友,大家好! 今天过得如何呢?
今天,这儿首尔的天气真热!哇~~ 真正的夏天到了!
恩,今天我给大家介绍下韩国食品 “족발”,今天下午我跟儿子去老旧市场吃 “猪蹄 [zhū tí] 。
那个地方年代已久,是条很窄,很长的胡同,叫“猪蹄 胡同。
这条胡同,全是猪蹄[zhū tí]餐厅,今天我第一次去。
下午我回家的时候,儿子跟我说,“今晚想吃猪蹄 ”。
突然想起来了 以前我朋友说的“猪蹄 胡同。 ”所以我们决定去尝一尝。
猪蹄很劲道,很好吃 。 所以给丈夫打包了一盒回来。
那么,晚安 !
☆ ☆Korean Audio>>
(2011.6.15) lang-8 친구 여러분 모두 안녕하세요? 오늘 하루 잘 지내셨겠죠?
여기 서울은 정말 덥네요. 와~~ 이젠 정말 여름입니다.
음..오늘은 한국 음식 ‘족발’에 대해 말씀 드리겠어요.
오늘 늦은 오후, 아들과 재래시장에 순대를 먹으러 갔답니다.
그곳은 오래 된 길고 좁은 골목으로 ‘족발 골목’이라고 부르는 곳입니다.
와~~ 정말 재미있는 곳이었습니다. 이 골목은 온통 족발가게였는데, 저는 오늘 처음 가보았답니다. 제가 늦은 오후에 집에 돌아오니, 아들이 족발를 먹고 싶다고 하는데, 마침 얼마 전 한 친구가 말해준 ‘족발골목’이 문득 생각나서 아들과 함께 한번 가보기로 했습니다.
물론, 순대는 졸깃졸깃하고 맛있었습니다. ^.^/
우리는 맛있게 먹고 나서 남편을 위해 집으로 포장해 왔습니다. 아, 참! 순대도 있었습니다.

그럼 편히 주무셔요!
(읽어 주셔서 감사합니다. ☆^.^/ 제가 잘못 쓴 곳은 고쳐 주시기 바랍니다 ^.^☆/)


  • 'pork hock '족발’ ( recorded by yue ), Midwestern American English

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  • 'pork hock '족발’ ( recorded by Pasokon ), Midwestern American English, Neutral Spanish

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June 17, 2011

How are you? Did you have a good day?
Here in Seoul, the weather was very hot today.
Wow, it's really summer now.

Hmm... I will now talk about the Korean food 'pork hock'.

Today, late in the afternoon, I went to a traditional market and ate 'pork hock' with my son. That place is an old and narrow traditional alley, and it's called 'pork hock alley'. Wow~ That's such an interesting place! The whole alley was filled with 'pork hock shops.' It was my first time there because this afternoon, when I came back home, my son had said he would like to eat pork hock.

June 17, 2011

Right then, it suddenly occurred to me that one of my friends had talked about that 'pork hock alley' before, *so my son and I decided to try to go there. That pork hock was chewy and delicious. We ate, and then we took some back home for my husband. Oh, there was 'sundae' (pork soup mixed with sliced sundae sausage) too.

Anyway, bye! Sleep well!
(Thanks for reading and please correct my mistakes!)


*You can use 'thus', but I think most people would just use 'so' an connect it to the sentence before. ^^

("Sliced sundae sausage" is very hard to say! Haha!)

June 17, 2011


June 18, 2011

WoW! It`s so wondeful!
Your reading is really nice~(((^_________________^))

Thank you very very much!
I`m enjoying your reading now^.^/
I`m now trying to read as your voice..hhhh...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

and also Thank you for your rewriting for natural English. ^.^//

June 18, 2011

How are you? Did you have a good day?
Here in Seoul, the weather was very hot today.
Wow, it's really summer now.

Hmm... I will now talk about the Korean food 'pork hock'.

Today, late in the afternoon, I went to a traditional market and ate 'pork hock' with my son. That place is an old and narrow traditional alley, and it's called 'pork hock alley'. Wow~ That's such an interesting place! The whole alley was filled with 'pork hock shops.' It was my first time there because this afternoon, when I came back home, my son had said he would like to eat pork hock.
Right then, it suddenly occurred to me that one of my friends had talked about that 'pork hock alley' before, *so my son and I decided to try to go there. That pork hock was chewy and delicious. We ate, and then we took some back home for my husband. Oh, there was 'sundae' (pork soup mixed with sliced sundae sausage) too.

Anyway, bye! Sleep well!
(Thanks for reading and please correct my mistakes!)

June 19, 2011

Pasokon~THANK YOU VERY MUCH! You fixed my rentry.It help my learning natural English. ---How are you? Did you have a good day? Here in Seoul, today`s weather was very hot. Wow, it's almost real summer. Hmm... I will now talk about the Korean food 'pork hock'.Today, late in the afternoon, I went to a traditional market and ate 'pork hock' with my son. That place is an old and narrow traditional alley, and it's called 'pork hock alley'. Wow~ That's such an interesting place! All the alley was filled with 'pork hock shops.' It was my first time there.
This afternoon, when I came back home, my son said he would like to eat pork hock, and that time it suddenly occurred to me that one of my friends had talked about that 'pork hock alley' before.Thus my son and I decided to try to go there once. That pork hock was chewy and delicious. We ate, and then we took some back home for my husband. Oh, there was 'sundae'(pork soup mixed with sliced sundae sausage) too. -Bye- ! Sleep well!