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English Audio Request

470 Words / 1 Recordings / 4 Comments
Note to recorder:

Just read in English part, please!
Thank you very much.
If you feinf my mistakes in english, please read as you want. THANK YOU!

Jun 07th 2011 11:15

• Hi, everyone! How are you?
• Everyone, did you have a good rest this weekend?/ /
=Did everyone have a relaxing weekend?
=Did everyone rest well this past weekend?

Last weekend was a three-day weekend in Korea since yesterday(,Monday,) was Memorial Day(, a public/legal holiday).
• =In Korea, this past weekend was made of up three consecutive holidays. Yesterday was the Korean Memorial Day, a legal holiday.

• However I was very busy because of many family events with my in-laws family and my parent`s family, both.
= However, I was very busy due to events for both my in-laws and my immediate family.

• Among these events was a traditional Korean wedding ceremony, which I wrote about yesterday. ( ) The day before yesterday, I attended my brother/sister-in-law's wedding ceremony.

• It was a Korean traditional style ceremony and it`s rarely to be seen these days/nowdays.
• =It was a Korean traditional style ceremony, which is rarely seen with nowadays. (*these days is fine too)

• Now I will upload that day's pictures that I took
• .=(Now) I will upload some pictures that I took that day.

• I hope it can help your understanding of Korean traditional wedding ceremonies.
=I hope it can aid your understanding of the Korean traditional wedding ceremony.

• I didn`t write in Korean this time because it was too long and I felt a little tired.

• However I will write in Korean and record sooner or later, ....
=However, I will write in Korean and record this sooner or later, if I have time.

• And the following (entry) is (just) something I found in a Korean newspaper.
If you're interested, you can try to read it and to put it into practice ^^
Hahaha, because as we know "An ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory." (((((^________________________^))))

<Korean Traditional Wedding ceremony>♣<Tips for Better Dieting>

모두 안녕하세요? 여러분, 주말은 편히 잘 쉬셨어요?

한국에서는 어제가 '현충일' 공휴일이어서 사흘간 연휴였어요. 그렇지만 저는 시댁과 친정의 집안 행사로 좀 바빴답니다 그 중에서 어제는 전통혼례식에 대해 썼습니다.
그저께 시댁에 결혼식이 있었는데, 전통혼례식이었습니다. 요즘은 전통 혼례식을 올리는 경우가 드물거든요. 오늘 일기에 제가 찍은 사진 몇 장을 올리니, 여러분의 전통혼례에 대한 이해에 조금 도움이 되시기를 바랍니다. 어제 일기는 한국어로 쓰지 않았습니다. 좀 피곤해서 말이지요...그렇지만 조만간 한국어로 쓰고 녹음도 해 보도록 하겠습니다. 만약 시간이 된다면 말이지요..

그리고, 아래는 제가 신문에서 본 건데 여러분 관심 있으시면 한번 읽어 보시고 실천 해 보셔요. 하하하, 물론 우리 모두 잘 알고 있지요. " 말보다 실천이 우선이다!"

<Ooops! It`s one of my big problem!>
OOOoooopppp!!! 아~~~~
아직도 나는 책상 앞에 앉아 있어요.
지금 당장 일어나야 해요!
그리고 최대한 빨리 외출 준비를 해야 해요.
안 그랬다가는 오늘 오후 수업에 지각하게 될 테니까요.
지금 당장 일어 나지 않으면, 오늘 오후 수업에 지각하게 될 거예요. 안녕!


  • <Korean Traditional Wedding ceremony>♣<Tips for Better Dieting> ( recorded by jopote ), US: Mid-Atlantic / Iceland: Northern

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June 24, 2011

jopote, Thank you very much for your recording!


June 24, 2011

You're welcome :) I'm new to this site so I wasn't sure how to comment before but I changed it a little bit, did you want all the sentences read?

June 24, 2011

Yes! ^.^! SURE!
Your recording is SO NICE! Thanks agian!
It`s very helpful for my learning English ^^;


June 24, 2011

Hi, everyone! How are you? Did you all have a relaxing weekend?Last weekend was a three-day weekend in Korea since yesterday(Monday,) was Memorial Day(, legal holiday).However I was very busy because of many family events with my husband`s family and my own realtives.
Among these events was my brother`s wedding today ago,
was a traditional Korean wedding ceremony, which I wrote about yesterday.
A traditional Korean wedding are rarely seen with nowadays.
Now I will upload that day's pictures that I took.
I hope it can help your understanding of Korean traditional wedding ceremonies.
I didn`t write in Korean this time because it was too long and I felt a little tired.
However I will write in Korean and record sooner or later, if I have time.
And the following entry is (just) something I found in a Korean newspaper.
If you're interested, you can try to read it and to put it into practice ^^
Hahaha, because as we know "An ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory."


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