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English Audio Request

303 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Just read in english part. If you find my mistakes in English, you can read as you want!

Jun 08th 2011 14:03
<Hi, it`s Wednesday afternoon.~♪>
• Hi~~ everybody! How are you? It`s a Wednesday afternoon.
• How is your Wednesday going?
• Here in Seoul, today's weather is so good
=the weather is so nice today)!
=Here in Seoul, the weather is so nice today! /
= Today in Seoul, the weather is so nice!

• The sun is shining and the air is clean and fresh!
• How is the weather where you are?
• At the moment, I'm here at school,
but I'm taking a rest (=I'm able to take a rest) because my kids are learning with another teacher.
=• At the moment, I am here at school, but I am on a break because my students are in class with another teacher.

• They are talking about bicycle safety education now.
= They are "going over" bicycle safety education now.
= They are "discussing " bicycle safety education now.
= They are "learning about" bicycle safety education now.
=• They are taking a bicycle safety education class.

• I have not been to school for more than a / one week, but starting from today, I will be teaching for the next five weeks.
=• I haven't come to school for the past week, but starting today, I'll be teaching for the next five weeks.

= Oh, I have to return to the classroom now.

<Hi, it`s Wednesday afternoon.~♪수요일 오후 >
여러분 모두 안녕하세요?
수요일 오후입니다. 여러분 수요일 오후 어떻게 보내세요?
여기 서울은 날씨가 참 좋습니다.
햇살은 반짝이고 공기는 맑습니다.
여러분이 있는 곳의 날씨는 어때요?
지금 나는 학교에 있어요, 쉬는 중이랍니다. 왜냐하면 아이들이 딴 선생님의 수업을 듣고 있거든요. 지금 자전거 안전 교육을 받는 중이랍니다.
나는 지난 1주일간 학교에 안 왔었는데, 오늘부터 5주간 학교에 와야 한답니다.
아, 지금 교실로 돌아 가야 해요. 그럼, 안녕!



June 21, 2011

Here's what I read:

<Hi, it`s Wednesday afternoon.~♪>

• Hi~~ everybody! How are you? It`s a Wednesday afternoon. 

• How is your Wednesday going? 
Here in Seoul, the weather is so nice today!
• The sun is shining and the air is clean and fresh! 
How is the weather where you are? 
At the moment, I am here at school, but I am on a break because my students are in class with another teacher.
They are "learning about" bicycle safety education now.
I haven't come to school for the past week, but starting today, I'll be teaching for the next five weeks.
= Oh, I have to return to the classroom now. 

June 22, 2011

wow, Kaggs!!! THank you very much!
Your voice is so NICE! ^__________^!!
And even also you fixed my English, Thanks agian!
Your recording i svery helpful for my learning English!

Have a good time!



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