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English Audio Request

168 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read in English part.
Thank you very much!
If you find my mistakes in English, You can read as you want.

(Jun 02nd 2011 23:02)

• Oooops! how foolish of me. This morning I went to an elementary school.
• I taught the fifth grade kids instead/(in place) of their home room teacher.
• They were such good children that I had a good/great time with them.
• I took some pictures of the kids playing, studying, at break time, etc.
• Then after I edited some of the pictures during lunch time, and sent them to my e-mail before I leaved the classroom, Ooooo~~@.@;
•But now I found out that I sent them to another person/// sent them to someone else.• OoooPs!
(*Thnsk for your correcton, '류진' and 'irodimo'!)

~~)~(2010.6.2)~~~~~얼마나 바보 같아요?~~~~~
오늘 나는 한 초등학교에 가서 5학년을 가르쳤습니다.
그 아이들은 모두 착하고 예뻐서 즐겁게 지냈답니다.
물론 아이들의 공부하는 모습, 노는 모습, 쉬는 모습등을 찍었어요. 그리고 점심시간 때 편집을 해서 교실을 떠나기 전 내 메일로 보냈습니다.
웈! 그-런-데-, 이제 이제 보니 다른 사람에게 그 사진을 보냈군요.@.@;;;;

• 多么笨呐!今天我去一个小学,替五年级的一位班主任代教。
• 那个班的孩子都很乖很好.也很听话,所以今天我和他们度过了愉快的一天。
• 我还拍摄了这些孩子们在玩耍、学习、休息时的各种神态,趁午饭的时间编辑了这些照片。
• 在离开教室之前,将这些照片转发给了自己。。
• 之后我才发现,我把这封原本转发给自己的电子邮件地址写错了,误发给了别人



June 6, 2011

tnarundayo, Thank you vert much!
It`s very helpful for my learning English! ^-^/


June 6, 2011

★Korean Audio MP3 by bangbang >>♪ 방방의 한국어 낭독~♪ <<

June 6, 2011

★ChineseAudio MP3 >> 帮帮的练习中文朗读 ~♪ ~


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